
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Last block in place............

I had one more block that was too small so I added strips until I could trim it to 10.5" and now all of the blocks are made.  I can't see that this one would become any better by adding a lot more blocks.  It is only 30" x 40" so it will get a border of some kind.  After I decide whether I want to rearrange the column on the right I just need to sew this together and then it will move over to the side of the design wall for awhile.

The Amaryllis was so pretty with the light coming through the petals yesterday morning.

Today is supposed to be in the high 30s so I'm hoping some of the snow will melt, especially the amount that is left on the driveway.  Then we drop back down in the deep freeze again.



  1. This is looking so great! Your amaryllis is so pretty in that light...
    Hope your day goes well, hugs, Julierose

  2. the yellow blocks are looking great together

  3. A simple border on that work with the right fabric or even a piano key border could be cute.

  4. HOORAY for the yellows - I love this piece. Very pretty flower photo, too.

  5. Great blocks! And I really like the b&w you chose to go with them.

  6. I look forward to see what you do to the right column, It’s such a fun piece right now.

    Amaryllis are such fun to watch grow. They do their growing when we’re not looking and all of the sudden theres that magnificent blossom .


  7. Ooooh, I love the yellow and black!

  8. Love the yellow blocks and the pretty amaryllis. I started two amaryllis because of you. I wanna be like you when I grow up lol


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