
Monday, January 17, 2022

Analyzing an older project............

This project has been living in a box for over a year.  Since my design wall was empty yesterday was a good day to get it all out and see what I had.  The large blocks are 10" finished and the small ones 5" finished.

I wondered if it needed more black so I pulled several pieces that I had stored in the same box.  I think that might give it a little more life.  Now I have to decide if I want to make more than the one crazy pieced block and make it larger.

The second stalk of flowers finally grew on the red Amaryllis and 2 of the 4 buds have opened.  The pot in the back is the bulb from last year which I had out in the sun all summer and in the dark in my garage for 8 weeks.  It has finally sent up 2 leaves.  I sure hope there will be a bud stalk showing soon.


  1. The yellow is the sunshine cheerfulness that we need on these grey winter days.

  2. Stunning project,,,, Definitely worth finishing!! I love your work.

  3. I’m Im happy to see this yellow project again. The bird fabric squares are so cute and add a nice contrast as will adding more black. Carry on!

  4. Love the yellow project. I think it looks best without the extra black- the birds are more of a focal point that way. Your quilts always look beautiful.

  5. Pretty well pasted with snow this morning, so good to see the yellow blocks and the amaryllis blooms.

  6. I wonder if some of my amaryllis will come back and flower - they are not doing well for the 3rd of growth no leaves on them still - the two I bought this year were poorly planted in the pots and I see why they were on sale - I actually repotted them in December and found that both bulbs were pretty sideways in their pots no wonder they had them on the cheap sale table back then

  7. I LOVE those yellows! Now you’re talking MY color! lol. The blacks do make them pop. My amaryllis aren’t up yet, but they stay outside all year.

  8. Oh definitely finish up the black birds/yellows quilt--it's right up my alley!! I love it..I find yellows difficult to use --but this one looks great with all of them...
    My amaryllis has been and gone...I cut the stem down and it is resting in my one sunny window..hope I can bring it back to life come next year...

    I am going to venture back into African Violets,,,I had a slew of them, but they all died out--one by one a few years ago..
    Hope springs eternal, right? That's what plants are for...;))) hugs, Julierose

  9. Personally I like the black pieces you are playing with. They make the yellows glisten and glow. So happy you brought them out of storage, its a wonderful piece to work on and share with us on these wintery days.

    Amaryllis has such a nice tall stalk with lovely blossoms. They are fun to watch grow.


  10. Be careful -- "one more" block can lead to a dozen . . . But such sunshinre!

  11. The yellows and black/whites are a refreshing combination. My amaryllises are similar to yours in their “states” of blooming. A red one in full bloom with tall, straight stalk and no leaves. The other two have only leaves so far (getting kind of floppy) but no buds yet. My blooming one was purchased at a home improvement store on their $5 table. The other two were gifts sent to me from a mail order flower company and I am sure they were pricey. I tried doing research to see why there’s such a difference (leaves first vs no leaves yet) but wasn’t able to find anything.

  12. I have always loved those yellow with flashes of black blocks - I do hope you make another large crazy pieced block and let this become a finished top. Our amaryllis bulb from last year failed - it got buggy and the bottom appears to have rotted so it has gone to the compost pile. The inexpensive planter with three bulbs produced 12 flowers and shocked us by putting up two more stalks, one of which is beginning to open its big bud pod. Amazingly the third bulb is starting another stalk as well. The bulbs that keep on giving!


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