
Friday, January 28, 2022

18 Winged Square blocks.........

Three more blocks were pieced yesterday and fabric chosen for one more.  I moved some blocks to new positions as I searched for the colors for the last blocks.

The pieces for this block were just waiting for assembly yesterday.

The triangles for this block were already sewn but I had to find the fabric for the 3 squares.  I think this Philip Jacobs feather print is perfect.

There wasn't an orange block yet and this fabric has orange, red, and pink in it.  I needed a lighter block to be near the 2 lightest blocks in the center.

The blues in this fabric pair are a little more toward turquoise and there is also purple in the dark print.  I'm pretty sure I'll be cutting these today and then I have just one more combination to choose.  I thought I wanted to finish this one this month but now I'm thinking maybe it should be 6 rows long which means 4 more blocks.  Since I don't rush my decisions this will probably go into February. 


  1. The latest blocks look great mixed in with the ones already done.

  2. love it - interesting to see how you match up your colors for what looks best together and scattered about

  3. I love the 3 blocks you've shared today - all colours looking good together. I don't see Jack Frost any more since I had all my windows double glazed, but it has been very nippy outside, on the rare occasion I venture outdoors. Your cactus are doing so well and such pretty colours :)

  4. These are just so pretty - Love watching them come together!

  5. This quilt top is mesmerizing, each block is so beautiful on its own and together they explode into magnificent !


  6. I'm enjoying watching your progress with these blocks, looking great so far!


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