
Thursday, January 27, 2022

15 blocks.............

I finally turned on the iron because I had pieces from several quilts that needed pressing.  I have 5 more blocks to make and 2 of them are in progress.  The last three will need to be planned to fill in the final spots.

Jack Frost visited on the -11 degree morning yesterday.  It looks like a row of trees along the window frame.

The sun was bright and the frost was sparkly but I couldn't capture that in my photo.

My orange cactus continues to bloom little by little.  I rarely have 3 blooms so close together.  I'm seeing little buds forming on my favorite light pink plant.  It usually blooms multiple times in a winter and it is now just setting its first buds.


  1. Jack Frost looks pretty but we know none of us really want him to visit! I bet it is too cold to go out again today. Hope you get a warm up soon.
    When you make so many HST's do you press your seams open or closed - they look small.

  2. The blocks are looking great! Frost on the windows - yikes! At least the cacti are brightening your space and making it feel warm!

  3. Three lovely blooms on your cactus...
    Your blocks are coming together really well...
    hugs, Julierose

  4. It's going up to 30 today -- a respite!

  5. Lovely quilt blocks and you're almost finished, that always feels so good. Love the pretty frost photos . . . seeing the beauty in each season as a gift is a marvelous thing.

  6. I like your layout for your sparkling ‘Cut Glass’ blocks.

    I too love to see ole ‘Jack Frost’ work on your windows. Yikes -10 degrees is mighty cold and add your humidity on top of it . We haven’t been that cold yet all season, and we live in the mountains.



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