
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Yard work and prep work.............

I got in a good session of yard work yesterday afternoon.  I raked more leaves onto the lawn and chopped them with the mower.  I emptied 5 pots but still have a couple more to do.

Last night I cut a few more squares to have 17 for the last row of border on the Gridlock quilt.  I think this assortment will work but I can always cut a couple different ones if I need them.  I also fixed the 36 patch block that I wasn't happy with.  Now the serious sewing begins.

I'm still knitting dishcloths while I watch the evening news.  This one started out with 2 small portions left from previous balls of yarn and then I added another yarn that went well with them.  

Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends!!



  1. I am down with carpal tunnel surgery (11-23), so had my yard guy blow all the leaves into fence lines so they can "rot" over the winter, (usually I rake them into black plastic bags and turn them through the winter-end up with compost in the spring) I love Gridlock. Have a Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you! I think all the yard work is done except bringing in the fish. Hasn't been as warm here. Enjoy the day!

  3. I keep petting my stack of waiting MD fabrics every time I go past them - your cut squares today look SO good together! Happy Thanksgiving, Wanda!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Wanda! Grateful that I follow your blog so I can see all your lovely work!

  5. Your border squares are a nice choice and blend well together. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving Day - I could just eat a bit of turkey :)


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