
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Gridlock blocks 27 and 28..............

Gridlock block number 27.  It took me awhile to find a center square for this block.

Gridlock block 28.  I really intended to make the last three blocks in lighter colors so I hope I will be able to do a good layout with the blocks I have made.  I have one more block like this to make so it will be lighter colors.

Here are the 28 out of 35 blocks needed for the quilt.  There are 3 new 36 patch blocks here too so I sewed 5 blocks yesterday.  The final layout will be determined when I get all of the blocks made.  If I have to make a couple new blocks to make it all work that is OK.

My neighbor/family friend came over yesterday and cut down a bunch of small trees for me.  In this southwest corner there was one tree that fell over into the big tree in the photo.  Then there were 5 more small trees in this corner that were removed too.  This is the shady corner where I have a lot of Hostas planted and it will still be shaded by several big trees near it.  He hauled away all of the branches too, a good job done before winter.  

My son came over too and fixed some of the lights in the basement, put new bulbs in my garage door opener and hung my new smoke & carbon monoxide detector.  I bought a new battery for my doorbell and I installed that myself.  A lot of things taken care of in one day. 

Thanks for all of the belated birthday greetings yesterday!


  1. I like #27 & #28 - you'll soon have another finish, but will it be Nov. or Dec. Good to see you enjoyed your with family. Temps are down today after yesterdays sunny day, but not cold enough for snow. I remember you saying you were expecting some soon brrr :)

  2. Love these two new blocks--that fabric looks like splatter paint--so pretty with all those lines randomly throughout!!
    Nice that your neighbor helped you out...hugs, Julierose

  3. glad that you had help with those kinds of things and sounds like you are caught up now. I love those blocks

  4. I missed your birthday post, so happy birthday a few days late! Sounds like you had a lovely celebration. You've had good help with those trees and lighting and such, and I'm so grateful for people in our lives who are willing to help out with things like that. Of course, I'm enjoying those Marcia Derse blocks!

  5. The blocks are outstanding! How wonderful to get all those pesky little jobs done!

  6. I'm glad you had a decadent desert on your birthday! And those are some good jobs to have done too.

    I'm liking the new blocks. I know value trumps color, for me there's one block that looks sort of sad - row 5, block 1 seems a bit... muddy? It doesn't have the little bits of color like the other blocks with similar colors have. Of course, in person it may be a whole different story! :-). Or is this your place for the eye to rest, not every block needs to catch the eye spot?

  7. This has been one fun quilt to watch grow, and again your 2 new additions today are beauties. I can see all the time that goes into each block also.

    Good friend and neighbor for sure.

    I printed out your cardinal photo… we too, do not have cardinals here in our Montana mountains. . . . Reading one comment from Colorado, and they do not have them also, it must be a Rocky Mountain thing. . . . love how you captured him in the bare branches.


  8. There's nothing so satisfying as completing a good chore day!

  9. your new project is very interesting.keep up the good work. vera.

  10. Loving the evolution of your blocks (that red one is stunning). I petted my M.D. fabrics today and promised my project it won't be but another few weeks before work resumes . . .

  11. It sounds like a productive day. It’s nice to get those things taken care of. The blocks are looking fantastic.

  12. I'm enjoying your progression with these blocks! I am loving how you are using these interesting fabrics to create what others might only have used solids for. Oh, and a belated Happy birthday Wanda.


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