
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Off track again.............

I wasn't inspired to work on any of my current projects so I did a trial run on a free Moda pattern called Simply Woven Quilt.  A Left- Handed Quilter just finished a quilt top with this pattern using a jelly roll.  I have hundreds of 2.5" strips already cut so I just chose a group of blue, green, purple and rose and a light background print to try it out.  I can see I need a lot more light prints just a little darker than the background fabric to make this work.  My assortment is all too much alike in value.  This is similar to another quilt top I made a few months ago but this one has more strips per block creating the plaid and the block is 12.5".

Now I'll get back to work on my other projects so I can have some finished tops to report for this month.  I need to make a final decision on the layout of the Coneflower 16 patch blocks.

I mowed the front and side yard yesterday afternoon.  The temperature was in the high 50s so it was very comfortable.  Last night we had a chance of frost so I covered all of the tomato plants.  It is supposed to be in the 40s at night for the coming week.



  1. I made one test block and decided to stop at that point. Love the colors in your strips.

  2. Off-track is where I usually reside hahaha..This will look fantastic--neat colors, Wanda. You certainly have the "color" eye. hugs, Julierose

  3. sometimes you have to work on a different project! or just skip it all and be outside instead - I have been doing that more and more lately

  4. I also worked on a pattern very similar to this and had to give it up. I just couldn't keep the everything turned in the right direction! Your looks promising and I, too, think it will be good with some lighter fabrics.

  5. I made a similar one called Basket Case a couple of years ago and I found that the strips need a lot of contrast or they don't flow. Don't have enough of those kind of strips to give it a go.

  6. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm looking forward to seeing your finished top - ;))

  7. I think you're amazing to be still busy mowing your yards - good for you! I'm looking forward to seeing your Coneflower layout, I love those colours. I always find it amazing that many of us have a few projects we love on the go but suddenly veer of direction and up springs another idea!

  8. You are mowing yourself and I'm panicking because my lawn guy is thinking about retiring! Scooter has been mowing out 10 acres for 20 years and I'm totally stressed. I like these blocks. I've got that pattern on my idea board.


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