
Friday, October 22, 2021

Another possibility.............

I looked through my black with brown batiks one more time and found another that I think will work as alternate blocks with the 16 patch blocks.  I knew I had this fabric but it was hiding from me.

Yesterday morning I was looking out at the birdfeeders and noticed a bird with a white head eating seed on the ground.

Then it flew up to the bush right outside my kitchen window and I could see it was a parakeet.

It didn't mind mingling with the other birds so I suspect it escaped from its cage awhile ago and has grown comfortable with being outside.  A few years ago I saw a parakeet in my backyard but I don't remember what color it was.  I doubt this is the same one.



  1. I think I would freak out if I saw a bird like that in my yard as it is so unexpected and different. I heard an owl the other night and I just could not believe it as I live a block from the city line. Thanks for sharing such an unusual sighting.

  2. Since that giraffe fabric is the same color as the elephant batik maybe you could use them both as the alternating block if you don't have enough of the giraffe fabric.

    The parakeet looks nice a fat so it must be finding enough to eat. I would think the winters would be too cold for a parakeet. I have seen a lot of male bluejays lately and of course the owls let me know they are around looking for a meal between midnight and 3 in the morning almost every night.

  3. Poor parakeet, the cold weather to come doesn't bode well for a semi-tropical bird. Sorry to be gloomy.


  4. poor little parakeet - I hope it will fly somewhere warmer when it needs to - I wonder if it will instinctively know to do that

  5. I've only seen a parakeet in the outdoors once, when I was a child. I hope it can manage!

  6. I had to google parakeet as it looked like a budgie (budgerigar) to me, and yes it's the same. I've had a few over the years - the last 2 being an all white and all blue. I'm surprised it's liking living outdoors (I know they do in Australia) I can't see it surviving the winter, but I hope it does :)

  7. I hope the owners are looking for it and didn't just turn it loose to fend for itself. Is there any way to get word out to the neighborhood that it's hanging about?

  8. I like that giraffe fabric - looking forward to seeing it in the mix with the others. A parakeet would be a big surprise under our bird feeder, too!

  9. Budgies live wild all year in the UK and thrive, so don't fret too much..

  10. I am really amazed that it managed to survive in the wild...amazing!!
    That giraffe batik is a lovely print...I managed to make one little hexagon rosette [wed-thur-fri- it took me ], but it's at least some handwork...
    moving forward by little bits....hugs, Julierose

  11. Well your parakeet sighting took the spot light today. I hope its sparrow ‘body guard’ will help it keep it warm this winter. It will be interesting to see if it appears again.

    The blacks and browns in your giraffe fabric has a very rich color way. SOoo ~ nice


  12. It looks like a budgerigar a small bird from Australia that is kept in cages by many people.


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