
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

16 out of 20.............

I still haven't taken the Bear Paw blocks off the design wall so the blocks are on the floor again.  I have 16 out of 20 finished.  I'm getting a little bored with the same fabrics over and over.  There are at least 25 different fabrics in it.

The last four blocks are ready to sew.

I have 2.5 yards of this batik that could be used for backing.  I'll look through my larger pieces that are in the basement later today for a lighter value choice.

I planted 3 Lenten Roses (Helebores) that Patty the Quilt Lady sent to me.  The one on the right doesn't show up very well but if you click on the photo and enlarge it I think you will see all three.  They are big healthy plants.  I sent her some Coral Bells, one dark purple and green leaf and several large lighter green leaf variety.  We're both always planting and maintaining our gardens.



  1. I'm hoping my helebores will take off next year. It's one thing the deer don't especially like, though in a pinch they will eat them. We had such a healthy hillside of them at our last house and it's so nice to have something blooming in late February.

  2. Hellebores are pretty tough plants. I have three and wouldn't mind more. I love the quilt! The woven look is very attractive and fun.

  3. Hang in there! You only have four more blocks to sew together. Get that top done so it is not sitting in a box. The plants looks great!

  4. Oh those Lenten Roses will be so pretty!! I tried hellebores one year but they didn't take--just as well as the deer would most likely have eaten them anyway...
    Your plaid quilt is coming along so well...
    hugs, Julierose

  5. Looks like very healthy plants. Good luck!!

  6. Simply Woven sure is a treat to look at, but my oh my the concentration it takes to make each block and achieving the weaving pattern throughout. For me it looks very time consuming. But thats why you have a such fabulous daily blog.

    I didn’t know your helebores plants will be blooming in February, in Illinois yet. I look forward to seeing them blossom.


  7. You are almost there, Wanda!! (You've probably already finished those final four blocks by now.)


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