
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Headline of the day: I turned on the iron..............

I finally turned on the iron yesterday and pressed the black and white Sharks Teeth and cut some sashing strips. These will finish at 1.25" compared to the other quilt which finished at 2".

While the iron was on I pressed the finished baby quilt top too.  It is 40" x 48".

I also pressed several fabrics to prepare for cutting.

Our family friend came over and cut down the tree that had fallen and was leaning on another tree.

This is the base of the tree.  Since it was a sucker that came up on the side of a stump it has no roots.

Here is the hole and the other sucker that came up from the same stump.  The one that fell was dead. The one that is standing is live and is loaded with walnuts.

The little patch that I planted seed in survived the job.  I have four 4 o'clocks and several Marigolds. I planted 3 packs of seed here and had very few plants from it.  None of the Cosmos came up.


  1. Pretty quilts--The Sharks Teeth are really nice...
    Great that you were able to get some firewood from the fallen walnut tree...
    Hugs julierose

  2. glad someone came to take care of the tree for you

  3. It's interesting that you have suckers on your walnut trees. There are many in our neighborhood (we have 2) that have been here forever and I've never seen suckers! Of course, the one with the very large trunk is open at the base and I have no idea how deep the opening goes. The squirrels fill it with nuts every year. I like those sharks' teeth!

  4. I'm glad the fallen tree has been taken are of and that at least some of your plants survived the operation. How about the redbud that the fallen tree was leaning on?
    I really like the 16 patch quilt. I started one with the left over strips I cut for the colorwash, but somehow it's been supplanted by other ongoing projects. I think that's partly because there are too many dark blocks, so I'll have to rethink that when I get back to it.

  5. Good that the tree is cleaned up with minimal damage. I wonder if the cosmos is super sensitive to jugalone is why it didn't come up? Maybe the 4 o'clocks and marigolds a bit less sensitive so a few came up? I didn't see any of those on the jugalone-tolerant list. Walnuts are great trees for pasture and woodlands, but not so much for yards. A bit messy and the jugalone can make it tricky to plant near them, unless you remember to keep it in mind when choosing plants.

    That's a gorgeous baby quilt! I love how the fabrics in those 2 blocks with peach & white with circles fabrics conspired to make me see ovals, not squares.

  6. Baby quilt is a delight to see all pressed and ready for the next step.

    I sure know its a good feeling to see the tree cut and all cleaned up.


  7. Oh wow! Look how crazy that sharks teeth sashing is with the onion rings! I'm sure I haven't seen those two fabrics combined like this. It looks three dimensional!

  8. the base of the tree photo looks like some kind of dead animal body! LOL funny how it looks with no roots. Great photos today of your yard flora and fauna.

  9. Your 16patch baby quilt is delightful! And yes, the sharks teeth sashing really creates some great unexpected movement!

  10. Pleased to read that your planting survived the tree removal but I have to say as it was on your neighbour's property it was their responsibility to remove it, it was a shame that you had to organise that.

  11. I am glad you were able to get the tree removed and your plant survived.


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