Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Too hot............

My two new window air conditioners are doing a good job and inside was the only place to be.  It was still 83 at 7:30 last night with a real feel of 89 with the high humidity.  No planting got done yesterday.  I did do some sewing, 8 more Economy blocks.  I haven't pressed them yet so they aren't up on the design wall.

I looked through a box in the basement yesterday that hasn't been opened in a long time.  I started this project at least 15 years ago.  I have 72 more squares already sewn with 2 triangles and all of the strips are cut for the 4 patches.

I still love all of the fabrics in this so I think it will become my mindless night sewing project.



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I guess it is feeling hotter than it used to near Chicago - I remember when living a little north of there - well actually about 2-3 hours north of there we never would have thought of A/C and from what I heard from an old classmate a lot of people have A/C now and use it off and on all summer. I only remember a few days out of the summer when people would wish for A/C and think it was too hot.

patty a. said...

I ma so glad to hear your new a/c units are installed and running. I went outside about 7 p.m. to mow and even though the humidity was in the 40% it was still hot! I only mowed the front, watered the plants, and then came inside.

BatikFanatic said...

It can rather be fun to pull out a long-buried project and admire what drew you to it in the first place! The fabrics are beautiful, and this will be a very nice quilt when completed. Those mindless-sewing projects do serve a purpose... It's going to get hot again today in Connecticut and, yes, the A/C will come in handy. The big benefit is in reducing the humidity — whew!!

Sylvia Anderson said...

You must feel much better now that you have 2 working air conditioners Wanda. It's definitely not fun when there is no air conditioning, and the weather, along with the humidity, is way too high. Those squares you found from long ago are beautiful, and will be fun sewing, while watching TV.. Looks like we're in for another hot and humid day today, with a couple of rainy days to follow, I hope.

Quiltdivajulie said...

You were smart to skip the planting last night. Is it better there earlier in the morning? DH and younger son start at 7am (as do most of the lawn crews in our area).

JJM said...

A box of treasured blocks, even though 15 years old, are timeless beauties. I thought the other day when whining about our wicked heat that soon it will be gone and then we’ll all be complaining about a wickedly cold winter. Hard to keep up with Mother Nature, she is cyclical with her weather patterns that rolls around through the years.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Nothing like buried treasure to get the creative juices flowing. Hope you have been comfortable inside. Not quite as hot here, but humid.

Julierose said...

Oh isn't that fun to find an "almost finished" project...that you still like, too;)))
Neat colors in those...

I am on a few days resting hands/wrists after my last project....hot here too and very humid 75 dewpoint...ugh...

One of my newly planted apple trees has had 3 branches broken off of it. We are thinking that these baby branches get broken by the weight of birds landing on them--but not sure...hope it survives...I put the branches (stripped mostly of leaves) in water to see if I can root them..;(((
Hugs stay cool in your AC that's where I am, too Julierose

Marie said...

Here in the PNW we are new to these high temps! Neighbors close to the beach complain of "dead sea life" smells that are a result of the extremely high temps last week. Theory is that when the tide was very low, the sun baked the sand and killed all of the marine life. Once the tide changed and returned to shore it swooped up all of the dead sea life and transported it offshore. Now we have dead sea life rolling in/out with the waves. Even the bird life shows signs of trauma has their regular feastings have been destroyed.

Please limit plastics in your daily lives. Recycle everything until it becomes unusable. Global warming is no joke.

Mystic Quilter said...

Air con makes such a huge difference to comfort and ease, especially working with fabrics.I rarely go into my room to sew in the evenings but may do a little now and achieve results!

Anonymous said...

I love coming to your blog site. Your posts are delightful. Small glimpses of what you are working on. Your triangle/4 patch project is going to be fabulous.