
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Mowing day.................

After all of that hot and humid weather we have had a few cooler days.  It is starting to get hotter and more humid now so I had one last chance to mow the grass yesterday before it would be unbearable and rainy again.

The tomatoes are doing well and I expect a lot to turn color at once with the warmer weather again.

I planted several different kinds of tomatoes this year and even the ones in pots seem to be doing well.

This plant is pretty scrawny looking but it is loaded with tomatoes.

Here is the jungle of 4 tomato plants and the 2 in pots are on the other side of this raised bed.

The Tiger Lilies should be blooming soon.  This one is in the sun and the only one that has orange color showing.

I forgot my Blogiversary this year.  I started my blog on July 4, 2007.  On July 4 this year I was planting my first Hosta in the new gardens in front of my house.  I guess my mind was elsewhere. has been 14 wonderful years communicating with people all over the world.  Thank you to all of you who read my blog!!


  1. Your tomato plants are beautiful. My husband has his tomato plants in pots and the pots are on a wagon that he pulls around the yard as the day progresses (to follow the sun). So funny. He had a bad time with bugs one year…. He is retiring this year and plans to build raised beds for his vegetables. (He’s a master finish carpenter. He can do it. Lol.) Love those Tiger lilies. Alas, ours have already finished blooming. Thank you for blogging all these years. Your talent been a gift to us!!

  2. Congratulations for 14 years. I have followed for 10. My dear quilting friend, Jan, who died last June of a heart attack, told me about you saying that I would love your colors. She was more than right. I have one cherry tomato plant which has grown the thickest branches and most muscular leaves I have ever seen.

  3. Your tomatoes are looking great! I don't like tomatoes raw, but I love me some good red gravy! LOL!! 14 years of blogging is wonderful! Congratulations!
    The few lilies I have looked awful this year. Between the early heat and the deer eating the buds, I didn't have much to enjoy. I think it's time I pulled them out, but I don't know what I would replace them with. The deer don't eat coneflowers so maybe I will have to try and get a bunch started in the spring.

  4. happy blog anniversary - I totally forgot mine too - I had started just a couple months before you did - a lot of bloggers have stopped that I used to read but yours is one that has stuck around and I thank you for that

  5. Kudos, Wanda for your wonderful blog for 14 years! I joined you in July five years ago and have enjoyed every day since. I've also enjoyed your classes and summer sales. Congratulations, too, on the terrific garden you are making this summer. Love the pavers as definers. Really add interest for overall effect.

  6. Can you give me some advice about tiger lilies? I have many along one side of my house and would like more in the back. Are they self-seeding? or should I harvest seeds and scatter them where I want them? What do the seeds look like, anyway? Thank you. They are so hardy and cheerful!

  7. Congratulations on 14 years of blogging. I can't remember when I started following you, but I have learned so much and I love the way you mix color and texture. I haven't had time to go back and read your earlier years, but I do go back to read specific topics, like the Prismatic Garden posts. And as a fellow gardener, I enjoy all your plant posts as well.

  8. Happy blogaversary! I have so enjoyed your post over the years. The tomatoes will ripen quickly now that they are blushing. Great idea to plant the marigold and zinnia between the plants.

  9. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all of your beautiful quilts! Thank you for sharing!!

  10. Happy blog anniversary. I enjoy checking in everyday and hearing about your garden and quilting. Thank you for allowing us into your world.

  11. I'm so envious of your tomatoes. I got new raised planter beds this year and the soil they brought is contaminated with oil. My tomatoes are so sad. Luckily, I have a friend who has a good crop and will keep me supplied. I can't imagine summer without garden tomatoes.

  12. Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy watching your progress daily - thanks for sharing - ;))

  13. 14 years of sharing your talents with us… again I give you a standing ovation ! Designing with brilliant, ‘Exuberant Color’, pattern designing supreme, creativity with fabrics like none other. Thanks Wanda for dedication teaching and entertaining us each day.


    P.S. day 18 of temps in the high 90’s ~ most days ever recorded in our area.

  14. Wow Wanda...14 years...amazing...and your plants all died. When the title said mowing day, I misread it as moving day...and said...What?????? xo

  15. Happy Blogiversary for 14 years. I am so thankful that you still blog. What a wonderful insight to your life you provide plus all of the tips--quilting and gardening, and whatever else crosses your mind :-)

  16. I think the "sharks teeth" fabric is just what the squares need for this quilt. Each block gets framed and the busyness of the blocks lets each block shine on its own yet still part of the quilt.

  17. Wow, your tomatoes plants are so prolific, wish mine would perform like yours!


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