
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

2 quilts or one?...............

I played some more with the economy blocks but haven't made the final 5 yet.  I divided the blocks by dark/bright and light and now wonder if I should make 2 separate quilts.

I isolated the 2 sections from each other to think about it.


All lights...not in any specific order.  I think I need to just keep making blocks and eventually a plan will form.

I still have some Rose of Sharon bushes on the north side of my house and I'm going to cut them all down as soon as they are done blooming.  I have a couple areas that I will dig out but the rest will just get cut off at ground level.  The Japanese Beetles are here now eating my ferns into skeletons and they are also on the black raspberry canes.  Soon they will be on the Rose of Sharon.

The Balloon Flowers are still in the pail with a little water and there are many blooms and buds now.  We got another 2 tenths of an inch of rain yesterday and rain started again between 9 and 10 last night.  It is too wet to get these planted in the ground right now.

I planted Marigold seeds between the tomato plants in the raised bed and they are really big now.  I think I will dig some out and put them in pots so the tomato plants can get better air circulation.

I planted Zinnia seeds going the other direction between the tomato plants and they need to be moved too.  I have lots of small pots to put them in and then I can move them around to different locations.


  1. Good morning, Wanda,
    Your flowers are plentiful and so lovely in their rainy lushness. We hope to get some of your rain here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
    I like your idea of two quilts. The variety within the blocks seems to stand out more. Love the block and what you are doing with it. Marnie

  2. Yes. you could make two different quilts or combine the lights and darks. I hear more ideas brewing! LOL!! I only have three marigold plants that came up from the bunch of seed I planted. They are getting big like yours. Last night between the rain drops I planted more marigold see in front of the Shasta Daisies. I wanted to have the color from the marigolds because the daisies are now fading fast. Maybe with all the rain and humidity they will grow this time. We got another .4 - .5" of rain yesterday.

  3. I planted lots of zinnia seeds this year. They came up marvelously and after 6", rabbits mowed them down. Never did that before. I sprayed them, but the rain keeps washing it off and I am so sad that I will have no zinnias in the fall like other years. Looks like the garden is really green and healthy. I love all the blocks and I would make one quilt, but I like big.

  4. Just keep making. I like the idea of two quilts but I also like your plan to keep your options open for now.

  5. You'll figure it out and I have no doubt the results will be stunning. That said, I prefer two separate quilts. I especially like the light one, with the subtle star that's emerging with the B+W prints.

  6. I love all the orange fabrics in your blocks!

  7. Like your gardens in front of your house, mix those light and dark brights together into one spectacular quilt. But what do I know ? ~


  8. Lots of colour, I love it! I tend to go for contrast in any way I can, {i.e. warm/ cool, light/dark, print/solid, etc}, so I look forward to seeing how you proceed with this.


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