
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sewing sections..........

I have made the decision to make these blocks into a wallhanging and use just 4 of them.  I sewed some sections together yesterday.  It is 3 horizontal sections plus the little triangle sections along the outside edge.  I need to add low volume squares to finish the sides.  I haven't decided if the corners will get some triangles or if it will be all squares.  I can go ahead and sew some of the squares onto each side and decide in a couple days.

We got another half inch of rain overnight Friday night and .3" yesterday morning.  There is still a chance of rain for the next 5 days.  My front yard gets a lot of sun and the grass was at least half brown but the backyard in the shade has stayed green all through the dry spell.  I was reading that white clover is a good alternative instead of grass because it is a good nitrogen producer.  My backyard is grass but full of white clover too so I'm not sure if a mix is a good thing but it's here to stay.


  1. They will make a lovely wall hanging...they are so pretty...
    We are already at 72 degrees here at 6:30 am...and humid.
    We are expecting a few scattered showers...hugs, Julierose

  2. We have a hot spell this week and humid too. The clover has another benefit. Bee food!!! They need it! And I love the quilt!!!

  3. I've noticed that the grass in the clover is greener than the rest. Part of me doesn't mind it until it displays thug-ish ways, another says "darn, another invasive import to deal with". Good news on the rain, even tho not as much as you'd like. I'm hoping for a bit more, then I realize every day I'm not out because it's too wet is another day the weeds are getting farther ahead of me.

    Interesting change of plan on the quilt. Did you find a place for a wall hanging, or get tired of working on it as a lap quilt but don't want to toss it back in the box?

  4. So so wonderful! It will be great no matter what size!

  5. Good decision for this beautiful piece, to me it looks like a work of art of cut glass. Your fabrics just glow with that “glassy” shimmer. I so enjoy our designing talent.

    We get all excited when we get a 1/2” of rain in a month. We are classified as the ‘High desert’, It runs from Oregon across Idaho, Montana into N. Dakota. Every night on the weather news they are warning us of forest fires, because of our drought. .


  6. The blocks look beautiful together.

  7. Good for you for going with a wallhanging instead of the much larger quilt that would have used all of the blocks. Bet you could sell the extra ones in your next pop up shop . . .

  8. These blocks will sit so well as a wall-hanging and I love the HSTs making up the centre and placed on the four sides.

  9. Beautiful blocks turned into a lovely wall hanging.


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