
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Reviving an old project............

 I continued on with my pressing and cutting today and didn't even turn on the sewing machine.  I took down the last completed quilt top and got out these 6 blocks that I made early last year.  I got stumped at the sashing and just put it away.  I'm going to finish it this more indecision.  I have lots of the triangle squares and plain squares to play with and also a new fabric that I may work into it.

Two of the plants in my porch pots have really taken over.  The poor geraniums are way down under the petunias and I can't figure out why they have stayed so small.  One of the vine type plants with purple flowers didn't like the extreme heat and sunshine and I'm not sure if it will recover.

Is it any wonder why I have so many Redbud trees coming up all over my property?  I have a friend who comes and digs out a few little trees now and then and plants them at his house and his friends houses.  Mostly I just cut them down when I am lazy and occasionally I have a lot of energy and dig them out.

Even the newest tree that I let grow has seeds this year.  If one comes up in a space that looks like it will fill in when one of the others die I will leave it.  Redbuds don't have a long life.  Only 2 of my current Redbuds have been here since I moved here 49 years ago, June 1972.  Some have died and others have replaced them.  I wonder if the next owner will just bulldoze the backyard and plant grass and fence it in for a dog.  It is such a beautiful wild shade garden back there.


  1. Love those stars and can't wait to see what you come up with. We have a plethora of redbuds, too, and unless I pull them when they first appear the roots get established quickly.

  2. I really like those blocks and they will make such a beautiful top. I will be good to get that top done! Maybe I need some redbud seeds! The wooded area behind my house could use some seasonal color.

  3. Such lovely blocks--looking forward to seeing how you do the sashings...
    hugs, julierose

  4. I love seeing the photos of your yard and all the plants. I hope whoever has it after you will appreciate it and let it continue. It's so lovely I hate to think of grass and fence replacing any of it.

  5. Oh, how I love those blocks! Is there a pattern name to them?
    Redbuds are among my favorites with their purple color in spring and wispy dreamy. We had one at our old house, but need to plant one here at our new house (been here almost 25 years, so it's about time, right?)

  6. I find it amusing that Redbuds seed so prolifically and yet, if you go to a nursery to buy one, they cost a fortune. I'll be waiting to see what you decide to do with the star blocks. I made a single block back when you were working on them, but haven't finished it up yet (along with a whole bunch of other UFOs).

  7. Our redbud was a membership gift from the Arbor Day Foundation. They sent 10 small slips of different trees marked with a color so you know what you're planting. It was so much fun watching those little trees grow and thrive. Highly recommend. Now we have our own baby redbuds all over the place! LOL

  8. Went to check the Arbor Day website and they still do this but all ten trees are the same and you choose. Not quite as much fun.

  9. I really enjoyed seeing all the redbud trees when we were in the midwest earlier this year. All over the place, many growing wild. I didn't realize how they self seed so much. Have fun playing with those beautiful big blocks.

  10. I love those quilt blocks ... I really need to try making some of my own.

  11. Did I understand correctly that you put your Star blocks away, because you were stumped as to what fabric would work as a sashing ? Your daily work in your studios always intrigues me. I’m sure you are setting at one of your machines as I write this.


  12. Love your quilt blocks . . . you're an amazing quilter.
    I just cut down two huge pine trees that were worrying our neighbors. Now I feel like I've lost my privacy in that part of the yard. If red-buds would grow here I'd ask you to send me some seed. I've just never seen any here. Maybe we are too dry and hot, or maybe no one has tried.

  13. Love the blocks and I always am inspired by your fabric choices!

  14. My geraniums are bitsy growing this year also. Hmm. Love those big blocks. I know you will figure it out.

  15. Love these blocks and look forward to seeing how you decide to finish them. Have you ever considered writing a letter to be given to the next owners of your house? If it were me, I would be delighted to get a letter from the previous owner, especially someone who enjoyed their yard as much as you do. Knowing what to expect with each season, hints about what needs controlling, and any other bits of information about the yard that you care to share would be a special treasure to many new homeowners.


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