
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

It's all about the peonies...............

This is the Peony outside my kitchen window that I mentioned yesterday might bloom in a couple days.  It just took one hot sunny 87 degree day and the first bud has opened.

This is a close up of the bloom.  I love the fluffy yellow centers on this one.

This one was always one of my favorite medium rose colored Peonies.  A Redbud tree planted itself right next to it about 30 years ago so I wasn't able to dig it out and move it.

At the far southwest corner of my lot is this single Peony.  I think I have 2 colors of single petal Peonies but most have lots of petals.

I can't decide if this one is white or very very pale pink.

So for all of the buds that I though would take 2-3 days to open, all of those were open after one hot sunny day.

First thing this morning I saw this bunny lounging in the cool grass just outside of my kitchen window.

I know you wanted a closer look.  I think he/she will be happy when it gets rid of all of that extra winter fur.



  1. Such lovely peony hues; I think the last one is a very pale pinky color--at least in the photo. We have a morning visitor-bunny, too; so cute...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I never realized there is such a variety of peonies. One of my first blooms is the full ball variety and it is still holding up after a week in a vase.

  3. Wonderful peonies- mine shrub peonies are not quite open yet. The smell is so heavenly- delicate and sweet.

  4. I NEED to get some peonies for this yard. I planted some in the Nebraska yard, but wasn't there to see them bloom. There is so much open ground that could support a few peonies here! The rabbit looks like its enjoying a cooling break.

  5. Wanda, I have read from several sources that you can cut peony buds, store them in the refrigerator for weeks and then bring them out later to let them open up within a few hours. Have you ever tried this?

  6. You know how much I love seeing photos of your peonies - those lush double ones are my favorites (no matter what color). And those bunny photos are good ones - they so rarely sit still long enough to get the camera and get it focused.

  7. Beautiful.

  8. I've never grown peonies. Yours are gorgeous, Wanda!!

  9. I love peonies. They always make me think of growing up in the midwest, my mom and taking bouquets of them to the cemetery on Memorial Day. I haven't had any luck with them here in Colorado although I know they do grow here. Thanks for sharing yours.

  10. Peonies On Parade today 🤗. Loved the show and even the mangy bunny .


  11. Your peonies are so gorgeous. I'm trying really hard not to be jealous. But it's not working!


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