
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Fun play time...............

Yesterday was my rest day after digging plants for 2 days.  I didn't get anything cut and ready to sew so I grabbed the bag of Marcia Derse scraps.

There was a group of tall triangles left over from die cutting so I paired them by height as much as possible and sewed pairs together.  There is a selvage on the edge of each of the pieces so I need to do a lot of trimming before they can be sewn together in a strip.

I sewed some of the smaller scraps into crazy pieced blocks.  I added a few more pieces after I took these photos and they are large enough now to cut a 7" square from each of them.

All of this sewing is not a project, just fun sewing while I watched 3 hours of TV.

I need to ask my neighbor if he planted these flowers.  They are right at the lot line between his yard and mine.

I just had to take a photo of some of the Hostas in the bed by that same corner of my yard.  They are so pretty.


  1. I love the look of hosta leaves--so lush and green...they remind me of that old fashioned "Nile" Green fabric my Grand-mere used in her quilts...
    Hugs, julierose

  2. The hosts looks so great when they are just growing like crazy. Did a lot of watering yesterday, so looking forward to checking mine out. Looks like a lot of scrap sewing fun.

  3. Those blocks will be so pretty. However those flowers got there, they surely look nice.

  4. Right now it seems our yards and gardening are taking priority right now. But you always manage to get some sewing in too. Fun to see your scrappy pieces.


  5. Those purple flowers are allium, a member of the onion family.


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