
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

9 patch top sewn, and garden doings.............

 I think I moved a few blocks since I showed the last layout and then I sewed it all together.  It is 30" x 42".  I love the way the 9 patches make it look like 4 patches with sashing and cornerstones.  This will be another baby quilt on my pile for gifting after I get it quilted and bound.

I dug out 5 Sedum plants and put 4 of them in the ground along my back lot line.  I had to dodge tree roots so they didn't end up in a straight line.

The 5th one went into a pot.  Two of the others broke into 2 parts when I dug them so I planted the smaller piece of both of them in pots too.  The 3 Hostas were dug out earlier and potted.  My front garden is going to be dug out and hopefully get rid of the invasive ground cover and then new dirt will be brought in.  I needed to get all of the plants I wanted to save out of there before they start working on it. 

The medium pink Weigela is in full bloom now.  It is on the north side of the house and gets morning and late afternoon sun.  

The really pale pink Weigela is farther back on the north side of the house and gets more shade.  My red one is at the north west corner of the house and it is full of buds.  


  1. Just a lovely 9-patch finish!!
    Your plants are really in "bloom" mode right beautiful are those colors...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. The nine patch is so pretty! You have quite a pot garden going on right now. It is a good thing you had so many pots squirreled away! The Weigela is so pretty!

  3. Your sedums wander as in nature. Lovely. Wanda, you are a true wonder on the amount that you accomplish quilting,-- another top finished, and in your lovely garden all the transplanting . What an inspiration you are! Enjoy the rhubarb cake. You've earned it!

  4. The invasive stuff is so nasty- it gets so close to the perennials that if you dig them out, the perennials get damaged. My problem is wild chives. No idea how they got here, but I cannot seem to eradicate them. Love the top.

  5. Your Weigela are very pretty. I have a couple of nasty burning bush (now on invasive plant list for Iowa) that mostly got winter killed a couple of years ago. I'm debating whether or not on replacing them, Weigela might be a good option. Do you know if hummingbirds like them? I've seen very few hummers this year so far. It occurred to me that I also have had very few flowers for them until the lilacs and iris started blooming this week :-/

    Love the baby quilt - soft colors yet not pastel, good for boy or girl, scrappy, simple blocks yet as you said - I see both 9 patches and 4 patches with sashing depending on where I focus.

  6. I'm enjoying the soft colors of your latest quilt top. It feels very spring like. I envy your hostas and Weigelas. It's hard to get them to grow here in dry Colorado. Our springs are slow in arriving and often it suddenly jumps straight into hot summer temps. Your yard photos make me miss living in the midwest.

  7. Perfect baby quilt and how blessed the mom and baby will be receiving it. Please take a before and after photo of your redo on your front garden. Your florals are are so fresh and pretty.


  8. I love the quilt. Your weigela looks very similar to an azalea. Are they related?


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