
Thursday, May 13, 2021

All of the Half Hexie tops and finished quilts....................

 I didn't have anything cut ready to sew yesterday so I decided to make a collage of the 4 die cut half hexagon quilts and tops that I have made.  

The plaid quilt top on the left was sewn together in April 2018.  It was longer than my design wall and is partially laying on the floor.  I sold it to a friend.

The next in line is the one I just finished sewing Tuesday this week.

The 3rd from the left is a finished quilt made with African fabrics.  It is my favorite although I really like all of them.  It is quilted and was finished December 2018.

The last one, at the right is made of Kaffe Fassett collective fabrics and was quilted to finish the last day of 2017.

I dug out dozens of Dandelions in the area where I will plant tomatoes next week and put wave petunias in my 2 hanging baskets for the backyard.  I have the baskets in my garage until it gets a little warmer later this week.


  1. Nice to see them all on parade together.

  2. The kaffe on the right is my favourite colour combination but they all look nice shown together. I've worked more on my spider quilt #1 and sewed on a small border. I've put it aside and now working on spider #2 blocks. They were made using square foundations, different to the #1 using thin shaped triangles. I just took some photo's of my Clematis that are starting to bloom.
    Just wondering - not had a reply from you in a while and thought maybe you have, but not coming through to me. I don't think I've changed any of my settings so not sure what's happening.

  3. Love them all! I cut lots of half hexies last night. They'll start going up on the design wall later today. Or tonight! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I love the colors in this newest one. It's all the colors in my living room.

    I agree with the African fabrics quilts. Those are such gorgeous fabrics. I want to buy a bunch, but keep telling myself I don't need another line of fabrics to be obsessed over. I know that sense will eventually lose out and I'll start acquiring some.

  5. All are gorgeous! I think my favorites are the most recent, and the KF ones. I'm not sure why.

    Ungh - dandelions! We have soooo many this year and they are huge! I need to evict them from the asparagus bed, flower beds, garden beds, just about everywhere but the lawn. That's DH's domain. Part of me likes them in bloom, so do the ladybugs! But when they turn to floofy seed heads I wish I had a vacuum for them.

  6. Good Lord, Wanda.....Do you ever sleep???
    Your production is awesome xoxo

  7. Your Half Hexie collage of finished quilts and tops shows off each of your collections from fabric designers at their best. I so appreciate the hours this pattern takes from start to finish.

    Dandelions 👎 not a fun weed to get in your yard. I know of one person that enjoys eating the greens. 😜


  8. How much fun to see them all together! I'm also noticing how the darker halves are oriented similarly, in each quilt, to create the illusion of directional light.

  9. What a difference the fabric makes! I love all of them but each has a different personality.


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