
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Garden tour............

The Redbud trees are pinking up.  They should be in full bloom in about a week and a half.

My Bleeding Heart has gotten huge with the little bit of rain we got.

The Brunnera is in full bloom.

Those black lumps are future lilacs.  Mine are a late blooming Korean variety.  

This is a Hosta my sister-in-law gave to me.  I had to laugh at the mud splatter since the rain was so gentle and quiet I didn't even hear it.

The Lungwort/Pulomonaria plants are getting big and are spreading all over as usual.

This whole area at the corner of mine and my neighbor's yard is full of them.  They make nice groundcover in an area where neither of has any grass or other gardening.  This is at the base of a Redbud tree so they are in shade after 11 a.m.


  1. everything is always so pretty in the spring. My red buds have only a little blossoms left now but I have enjoyed them for almost a month, something will bloom now through most of summer- and for you too

  2. Spring is such a hope filled time; my bleeding hearts have emerged their little heads...still pretty chilly here though...
    Enjoy your garden wandering...hugs, Julierose

  3. We've had an inch of rain over the last two days (much needed) and I can't wait to see how much growth the emerging plants put on. Of course, now it's supposed to rain off and on all week and much cooler temps, so I'm not sure when I'll actually get out to see the changes.

  4. So lovely to see nature waking up. Our redbuds are in full bloom this year and are particularly full this year.

  5. Lots of exciting things happening in your yard! Thanks for sharing!

  6. So good to see all that wonderful growth out of the ground.

  7. Love redbuds. We're too far north for them.


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