
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Cleaning, sorting, cutting.............

I spent most of the day working in the basement trying to get 2 tables cleaned off.  One is almost done, the other about half done and that is the one I cut my batting on.

I took my empty spinach containers down there to put scraps in.  I divide by type and the bottom right container is one with pieces big enough to cut triangles or squares at least 2.5".

I did do some triangle cutting as I worked and marked the bags with the sizes.

I took the larger pink leftovers and cut 4" finished triangles.  Then I rounded up the light fabrics I will use with them.  I need to keep at the cleaning because I need to cut batting for the next quilt I want to finish.  About another hour and that table will be cleaned off.


  1. Congratulations on the cleaning progress, and on eating so much spinach! Probably inspired by you I also have a pink scrap quilt in the preparation stages - I was wondering last night if I have enough soft grays to combine with the pinks somehow? Unlikely.

    Thanks as always for sharing the nuts and bolts of your process - it reminds me that I need to figure out how to piece some backing steps with no zigzag machine working. Maybe by hand?


  2. You were very industrious and, as always, organized. Using the recycled spinach containers is a great idea.

  3. It is amazing what a mess we can make! You accomplished a lot while getting your table cleaned off at the same time. Those containers do come in handy. At work when we have Chipotle, the containers are reused by someone in the office. I have manage to snag quite a few and they are good for scrap sorting and giveaway cookie containers. I need to get my big table cleared off tonight so I can have a place to put all the stuff I have to take off the shelves in the laundry/utility room since I have to take the shelves down for access to the hot water heater tomorrow.

  4. Scraps certainly make a big mess! I love your use of the spinach containers. Cleaning and sorting is on the agenda for me too today. My fridge broke down and I need to make room to move a new one in.

  5. another recycle idea! every time I have tossed those containers I have never given a thought what to use them for

  6. Great progress. I guess I need to label my triangles by size and bag them instead of throwing them in a drawer.

  7. I read a post on your blog several years ago about how you cut and organize your scraps. It was life changing for me! I now have a method and when I want to make something, I have a place to go.

    And Don't you find cleaning and organizing your sewing space relaxing and rejuvenating? Sometimes I feel like my brain starts resembling the mess around me and cleaning up the physical space helps clear up my mental space.

  8. Lots of spring cleaning inside and outside ... Takes so much of our time, but when it's done it feels so good.


  9. I just need to eat more spinach, I think. :)


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