
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Nothing new............

It's always hard to decide what to work on when I have just finished a project that has taken weeks.  I didn't accomplish anything yesterday except putting away some fabric, cutting a few pieces and reading a magazine.  

So instead of a project I'll show you what came in the mail, some more Charley Harper fabric from one of his new lines.  They were unusual colors so I thought they would add variety to the group I already owned. 


  1. I love yellow and that fabric looks very interesting. Not sure about the other 2 so will wait to see how they work out when you finally cut them up into a new project. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day yesterday, for a change, and that's how I've been the past week. At least I've been knitting every day while waiting for my sewing mojo to get me back into creating. I've made 8 hats and now knitting more squares for a homeless project my daughter is involved with. I guess everybody needs blankets at this time of year. It's getting milder now and I can see the tips of my daffodils coming up in my tubs. Stay safe and warm and keep creating :)

  2. The Charly Harper fabrics are unusual in color. They almost remind me of African wax fabrics.

  3. Charlie Haroer's prints are so cute. And you selected such fun ones. The California quail made me smile, and that's my favorite print.

    I literally toss out millet every day for the real ones here and we have several 'covies' of them and there's over 30 in each. I've already heard their mating calls and we've lots of snow yet to melt away, they multiply fast. One thing Charlie Harper didn't do is add that little feather on top of their heads on the babies, cause that little feather is always there and they are so very cute. And a distant neighbor that moved here from CA. several years ago brought them in and it's unbelievable how they have multiplied throughout the valley. That neighbor's name is Hughie Lewis, of the musical group 'Hughie Lewis and the News'.


  4. Our local tile works company makes Charlie Harper bird wall tiles- so cute!!

  5. I just love anything Charlie Harper! These are so much fun!

  6. Well, either I have aged out, or have been living in a shoe. I have never heard of Charlie harper!!!!!!

  7. I'm in love with the top yellow fabric!!


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