
Monday, February 15, 2021

Change in layout.............

I moved a few blocks from yesterday's layout.  I moved the orange blocks down and to the right and some blue and red blocks to the top.  It's definitely not the final layout.  I may remove some blocks by the time I get to the end of the designing.  In fact I may take the blocks off the wall and start over down in the basement where my design walls come all the way to the floor.

 I had two more pairs ready to sew but never got around to it.

It was -5 degrees when I got up yesterday, -1 at 3 p.m. and -2 at 11 p.m.  In Chicago where the official records are it was 4 degrees which set a new record for Valentine's day.  We got some snow last night but I don't know how much yet.  Since there isn't any mail today I can take my time shoveling the sidewalk.


  1. It sure is cold at your place ;000--here it warmed up strangely to 33 degrees overnight. melting right now--but we are awaiting the temp drop and freezing rains to come...
    I find brighter oranges/yellows hard to incorporate and usually pair them with B/W prints for some reason...have fun re-arranging...
    don't get over tired shoveling...hugs, julierose

  2. Make sure you are not breathing in that frigid air as you shovel. Bundle up. Not quite as cold here, but due for heavy snow this evening. Quiet and gray right now. Love the way the quilt blocks are turning out.

  3. I guess 'shovelling the sidewalk' could be classed as exercise; I know it would be for me. Our footpath has been icy the past 4 days so I walked down the middle of the road when I nipped out for some milk; but it's a one way street with humps so no fast cars to avoid haha. During the night it got a little milder and all the snow/ice had melted by the time I got up. Keeping fingers crossed it's the last of the snow - hope it gets better for you :)

  4. Depending on which thermometer you believe, it's either 5, 8 or 9 degrees here. The weather people tell us that this is the first time ever our area has had a wind chill warning. Lots of drifting snow too.

  5. love the arrangement of the quilt - cold here too & still snowing 6 degrees Brrr - down to 0 tonight - time to get dressed and get myself occupied for the day

  6. Better to have your canoes in the warmth of your studio than out on the water during this cold snap! However you arrange these, they're an explosion of spirit-lifting color.

  7. Not good temperatures to be shovelling snow Wanda, definitely take your time and wrap us well. Canoe blocks are going together beautifully, perfect bright colours to counteract the cold weather outside.

  8. I love the glow in the center of your crossed canoe blocks.

    I've been feeling left out of winter all the while you have been coping with it, in December and January. We finally got our first snow fall, first week of February and it hasn't stopped snowing since. These misty powdered sugar over night snow showers have added up. Arctic temps hit last Friday and the Ski Resorts closed due to wind chill readings of -45 below. But they opened back up on Sat. & Sun. and most were open today.


  9. I like this glowing effect too, really inviting. We are just getting through a not so inviting weather pattern. It has been as cold as -40C which is about the same as -40F. It is up to -20 today with sunshine - so deceptive!!

  10. The blocks are so pretty! You sure have some cold temps. Not that cold here thank goodness!

  11. I love how this is looking. I first saw it only my phone screen so really got the glowing effect. It's awesome.

  12. Good Morning!! I love your designs and your use of color!!! My question--what type of fabric do you use for your design wall? I used to use fleece and it worked well. But I made a new design wall and used flannel. It doesn't work at all. Unless I got the wrong type of flannel. I would love to know your suggestions!
    Thank you so much!
    Sydney Schatz


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