
Sunday, February 14, 2021

A very cold Sunday...........

We may break the record for the coldest Valentine's day here in the Chicagoland area with 6 degrees predicted after a night of below 0.  It was already -3 when I was writing this at 11:15 p.m.

Here is a card from a friend in yesterday's mail.  Happy Valentine's day to everyone!

I made 4 more Crossed Canoe blocks last night and added them to the mix.  I'm not really happy with the 3 blocks with orange and gold  backgrounds.  I have to do some planning for the color and fabric combinations for the rest of the blocks but I won't be working on them today.

The sun was shining through Jack Frost's handiwork so I had to snap a shot of it.

The orange/peach cactus is starting round 2 of blooms.

 One pale pink bud on the shelf below bloomed yesterday too.

The Sedum dried flower heads have some new fluffy snow from the last 2 storms on them.

The snow in the backyard is textured like a bunch of cotton puffs piled up.  I don't know what caused that and I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't walked past the dining room window at just the right time with the sun coming across the snow.


  1. It's not that cold here--28 degrees this morning...but we are due for freezing rain and sleet tonight...we've had some snowfall each and every night this week--very unusual here...
    Your Cacti are so pretty--I just transplanted my new one to a bigger pot where the old ones reside...I have room for maybe one more...they were looking a bit shriveled up as our tv room gets chilly overnight...
    You do such a great job mixing up colors--those oranges will definitely be bright spot...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Happy Valentines Day to you! I think it is the cold that makes the snow lump up like that. Not quite as cold as you, but snowy. Love the batiks in the quilt blocks.

  3. Happy Valentines Day to you, Wanda! We are having winter storm weather here too, but nothing like what you are experiencing. Stay warm and stitch on.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day, Wanda!
    Your colorful quilts-in-progress sure do warm up these chilly days! Many thanks for sharing. Marnie

  5. Thirteen degrees here, feels like -2, and it is snowing with 3-6” predicted (we’ll see - the 6 kids next door have all their fingers crossed because they really want to sled/slide on our driveway hill). Your cactus are beautiful! Good luck and have fun with the remaining crossed canoe blocks.

  6. The orange blocks look like the sun coming up.

  7. I love that quilt block you are using. You have it pretty cold it is here too but never as bad as you have it - woke up to 13 degrees and only a high of 17 today and low of about 8 I think for two days running and then gradually getting warmer by Friday - back to 50's next week thank goodness I can no longer deal with this cold when I'm not used to it.

  8. OH, I am loving those crossed canoes even more. I like the orange/gold ones. I'm so glad that you're safe and warm inside.

  9. Crossed canoes are making quite a splash. Love that pattern and your fabric designing.

    Sounds like your commenters today so far, live 'up north'. Your winter has been colder and longer than ours here in the Rockies also.


  10. The blocks are looking good! No new snow to speak of around here and the temps are in the upper teens - twenties. I even saw some sunshine today!

  11. Your cactus's and your quilting continue to amaze me. This crossed canoe is a ray of sunshine during these very cold and snow filled days.

  12. I've heard of cottony snow, but I've never before seen cotton ball snow! Interesting. We're getting much colder weather than is our custom, too. I do not like it.

  13. As I'm reading your post, it is -26 outside. I'm already cuddled under a quilt. I will be going out today, but not for a few hours yet, so I'm hoping it will warm up a bit. By next week, we are forecast to be in the 30's. It will be a welcome change! Those crossed canoe blocks are such fun!

  14. That snow texture reminds me of a newly washed and dried quilt.

  15. You have really healthy looking cactus and pretty colours, mine finished ages ago!


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