
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Some might not work, some will................

 I got 8 blocks sewn, these 4 and their duplicates.  When you cut up a large print with many values in it you never know if it is going to work until it is auditioned with all of the other blocks.  They will get pressed today and then auditioned.

I also got the last 8 strips cut and the strip sets sewn.  These also need to be pressed before I can slice the pieces for the 8 blocks.

Here is the progress of both Amaryllis plants.  The bud stalks are growing faster now on the one in the front.

The small bud on the waxed Amaryllis is still pretty small.  The bloom at the bottom left will need to be removed soon as it is fading fast.

I'm getting a new battery for my van today.  The one that keeps dying is only 2 years old but I only drove 700 miles last year and that isn't enough to keep it charged.  A new one should give another year I hope.  I found out something I didn't know yesterday.  The young guy who jumpstarted my van said that the battery will charge faster if you let it just sit there and idle and will charge slower when driving because several things are drawing power.  That makes sense but I wish someone would have told me that sooner.


  1. I spy red leaves in photo one, bottom left :) I'm always fascinated to see how many different KF fabrics you have and the varied amount left in your collection - wonderful! It's interesting to see the different growth rates between the 2 Amaryllis and strange the waxed one grows without you having to water it. Have a happy sewing day.

  2. Your blocks are coming together so well; I am just working on my two projects right now...
    Amaryllises are so pretty--I hoped that our grocery might have one leftover from the holidays, but they didn't ;(((
    I will see if any go on sale online...I miss my yearly one...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. love the amaryllis so pretty - I'm sure you will have better luck with the new battery -- we haven't been driving near as much this year of course but have not had trouble with ours so far

  4. So much for racing around the countryside trying to charge your battery, Wanda! What a picture that is in my head! Good info, though, that I will pass along to my 90 year old mom.
    Looking forward to seeing the next amaryllis.
    Terry in CO

  5. Hmm, my hubby always leaves the car idling for awhile after charging it. Must be that's why.... I look forward to seeing how those Kaffes go together. You are braver than I in your mixes!

  6. Yes, if you only drive a few blocks frequently, it's super easy to run the battery down, as my Dad found out (repeatedly!) when he moved to town. IIRC, DH said it takes about 15(?) minutes to fully charge after starting the car. That's why when I was working and going out to start car on 0-10 degree high days, I'd let it run at least that long.

    The new quilt is looking good!

  7. I like those sixteen patches! Good to know about the battery charging, too.

  8. I will be so surprised if even one of your new blocks don't make it in with the rest. Fabrics are beautiful and exuberant, as usual .

    Amaryllis are lasting way longer than I thought they would, I'm enjoying seeing yours put on their show. I hope that little bud blossoms out too.


  9. That is interesting about the battery. It makes sense, but goes against what we’ve always been told. We were starting my mom’s car and just letting it run, but it still went dead until we put the battery tender on it.

    Do you know the color of the newest amaryllis? I love watching how fast they grow. I’m still waiting for mine to start. It will be interesting to see what becomes of that small bud.

    It will be fun to see what blocks make the cut!

  10. Well, I sat for almost 2 hours in my idling Subaru at the vets Friday waiting for my cat and the hefty unexpected bill, so my battery must be charged. The blocks are gorgeous. Sometimes you just have to sew it all together even if the colors are exactly what you want. I just did that to a Zebra quilt because I was not going to make more blocks as I already had an equal number of rejects.

  11. Those blocks are pretty, but I guess they will need to be hung with the others before a decision can be made. Interesting about the battery. I hope you get that issue sorted out; you never know when you need your van to run!


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