
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

First finish for 2021............

 16.25" x 31.5" batik Double 4 Patch table runner.

I like to put a batik with a large pattern on the back of the table runners.  A nice batik stripe binding finished it off.  It took about 2.5 hours to hand stitch the binding.  I always think it is going to go faster because it is a small item but the perimeter is equal to 1/3 of the perimeter of a good size throw quilt and that usually takes about 7 hours to stitch.

I got a few strips for the bottom half of the TAW unpicked and put up on the design wall.

I found time to stitch two more Crossed Canoe blocks (cut with my die cutter, 9" finished blocks).

We woke up to heavy wet snow piled on all of the trees and bushes yesterday morning.  We got about 4" and had lots of sunshine afterwards.  My son stopped by and shoveled the sidewalk and porch so I got to enjoy the pristine whiteness from my warm studio.


  1. We only got about 2" of the white stuff topped off with freezing drizzle;000
    Your table runner is really pretty. And you are making good progress with your other projects...Stay safe hugs, Julierose

  2. Love your table runner. Your Crossed Canoe blocks look great. Our snow fell in a mini blizzard that turned day into night. But it does look pretty.

  3. we woke up to a dusting of snow might get more but doubtful - just chilly

  4. Chocolate table runner makes for a beautiful center piece. Lovely backing too. You had quite day working on your Crossed Canoe blocks and TAW also.

    I wish we had your snow... We are in desperate need of snow here in our valley.


  5. You are making good progress on your projects. We got a dusting of snow and it warmed up enough it was pretty much gone by noon.

  6. The TAW looks spectacular. We have been getting snow on and off since Tuesday and it is snowing big flakes now. The canoe blocks are very interesting.

  7. That table runner would look so cool in a cabin in the woods. We are supposed to get some snow this weekend. If we do it will be our first.


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