
Monday, January 25, 2021

Continuing projects...................

I made some wild blue combination blocks yesterday.  It is always a surprise how they turn out.

The last 2 are lower contrast than some of the others.  I also cut some more light fabrics to go with the last 3 dark fabrics I cut on Saturday.  I have 21 blocks finished and they are 9" finished size so there is a long way to go on this project.

I also unpicked the seams for the other half of the top of the Kaffe Trip Around the World.  I need to slice the last 2 stratas into loops before I can continue.

I started out yesterday morning baking scones.  The best by date on this one was last August so I figured it was time.  They were really good.



  1. The trip quilt is looking great.
    I am glad you didn't feel "compelled" to throw out the scone mix. Dry goods rarely "go bad" -and the "best by" date isn't a "throw it out after" date. But some folks think it is.

  2. I have one box mix left from that same company it is for a Christmas fruit cake but I will instead use it for date bread by adding dates instead of a dried fruitcake mix - they usually stay good with being in a plastic bag inside of the box.

  3. The blocks have so much character because of your fabric choices. The trip quilt is so sparkling. The scones looks yummy. King Arthure makes good mixes.

  4. The world quilt is beautiful! I've never tried the box mixes of scones etc; maybe I'll order some.

  5. Oooh, those scones look really good. I see you are going to get some wintery weather. Stay warm.

  6. Wanda I have been unable to catch up on posts so if you don't mind I should like to comment on the past few here, save you writing many replies! Your 16 patch has inspired me to begin thinking of a colour scheme for the one I intend to make this year, it really is a stunner.
    I love your collection of Crossed Canoe blocks, beautiful mix of fabrics - what is the size of these blocks? What can say about the amazing Kaffe TATW - so vibrant!

  7. You are keeping busy on all your different projects and making good progress. Seeing the scones makes me want to bake a batch. I have an excellent recipe for birthday cake scones.

  8. X ~ canoes are mesmerizing, fabric combinations are always fun and unexpected .

    Delicious looking scones. Expiration date

    I'm known to use expired can goods, frozen foods, even years after and have never been disappointed or have gotten sick. My kids have a fit and can't believe mom would do that. 😏


  9. Your scones look delicious. Do you add extra cooking time since they’re in the pottery dish?

  10. No, Linda, I didn't need extra time. just used recommended time on the box.

    1. What is the name of that particular 16-patch quilt square please?

  11. You are braver than me. I spent yesterday throwing out items pad their due date.


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