
Monday, December 28, 2020

Quilting done, binding started.................

I did the quilting before lunch yesterday.  I really like the backing fabric with the front of the quilt.

I did what I have always called loop-de-loop, just random size loops going both left and right.

I chose the onion ring fabric for the binding.  I decided to hand finish this one because that fabric is so easy to hand stitch through.  It ended up at 59" x 74" before binding.  I have about 100" hand sewn so far.  This makes #18 for the year and my goal is 20 for 2020 so I need to choose 2 more to finish and they may be small ones.



  1. Neat binding fabric...that is one whole lot of quilts to have finished in one year...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. The Amazing Wanda is on the "Hone Stretch"! Go Wanda! 2020 didn't defeat YOU!

  3. There is no doubt in my mind, that you will finish two more quilts to fulfil the goal of 20 for 20 which you set for yourself Wanda. I don't think there are too many people that won't be happy to see the end of this chaotic and problematic year.

  4. Beautiful quilt and the binding fabric is the perfect choice Wanda! I have no doubt you'll finish up two more before the end of the year!

  5. Wow, that was fast! I'm trying to finish up some placemats today for my last Christmas gift then I'll get back to my projects.

  6. Well done on your 18 finishes - hope you get to your goal of 20, no matter how small :)

  7. What good progress, Wanda!! Best of luck on the last two quilts to meet your goal for 2020.

  8. The backing looks so great with this quilt. I am sure the binding will really seal the deal.

  9. Using the onion ring fabric in the middle of the split rail fence blocks really livens them up. Using as the binding will pull the whole thing together. I have no doubt you will get your 20 done. Probably a day early even.

  10. Love that onion fabri: it's perfect or the binding too!

  11. You have all your fans out here cheering for you and knowing you, I am sure your last two will be complete for your 2020 count.

    Your onion rings piece looks so pretty and precise on your long arm. I love how it shows a basket weave design, so neat and tidy. AND love the back too.


  12. I love this one! The backing is perfect. I just love what the way the onion rings adds movement to the strips and binding. Such a good choice. But then I'm a sucker for a nice graphic black and white print with all these colorful fabrics!


  13. Super finish! When Onion Rings was first released into the KF Collective I wasn’t too impressed by the design but it looks fabulous in strips as in your quilt!

  14. The black and white sure does make this one zing!!!

  15. Thanks for the detail shot of the loop-de-loops. I think that design will work perfectly on one of the quilts I plan to finish in January! I love your onion ring quilt!!!

  16. The quilting looks wonderful. The onion ring binding will really frame this quilt beautifully!


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