
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Last block made............

The 18th pineapple log cabin block is finally finished and on the design wall with the other 17.  Now I'm starting to audition fabric for the setting triangles.

This batik might be a little too dark so I'll try some more today.

I got the Christmas box down off the top shelf and got the Christmas quilt out.  Click here to see the whole quilt.

I bought this patriotic Santa in 1994 and made a little rug that year for him to stand on.  Luckily I have been able to find both pieces each year.  One thing I didn't find in the Christmas box was the table runner I made last year.  I wonder where it is.  Did I give it to someone else?  Did I put it in that logical place that we can never find?


  1. Based on my track record you all find your table runner in July.


  2. Lovely Christmas quilt..I've never seen a patriotic Santa--really cute on his little rug...your quilt is lovely...what a strange Christmas this year...
    Hugs from far away Julierose

  3. I never even thought to do my pineapple quilt that I am making on point - I plan on adding a border to it - I wonder if that would make it more interesting - before I start to put blocks and rows together I might need to look at that - I love yours and all your Xmas things.

  4. Can’t wait to see what you choose for the setting triangles……I actually thought the fabric you showed was too light…not to dark as you mentioned…….so interesting how each of us has their own tastes.

  5. Love how the pineapple log quilt is developing — full of cheer, and so engaging as it draws us in to explore! It's difficult for us to gauge this fabric as a setting triangle, given how the camera reads, how our various viewing platforms and devices receive and transmit that information, etc. However, I always find that you come up with a combination that has us saying "well, how could it be anything else???"

    And I am SO agreeing with Ceci... if it were my table runner, I'd find it (in that logical place) sometime... next summer...

  6. Good morning Wanda. I store all my seasonal runners and towels in the linen closet, so maybe that's where you put it. Hope you are able to find it, or maybe you'll have to make another one. Your pineapple quilt is so striking, and definitely makes a statement, even on the computer screen. Enjoy your day.

  7. I love those pineapple blocks!

  8. The pineapple blocks are so cheerful. Love the curves in the Christmas quilt.

  9. It's fun to see your holiday decorating. All very welcoming! I think you are using your studio cutter for these pineapple blocks. I made several blocks in a class with Gyleen Fitzgerald a few years ago, so we used her ruler. It went very well--now where are they?? I hope you find your table runner today!

  10. I love your Pineapple blocks. The Christmas quilt is wonderful.
    Merry Christmas!

  11. I really like your pineapple quilt on point, and I agree with others that I thought your example was too lite! But you will come up with the right thing I know. I am making a very similar Christmas quilt right now, using flannels. I hope it turns out as well as yours!

  12. Like slowly turning a kaleidoscope, I see a different design every time I look at your pineapple designing.

    You sure are welcoming Christmas into your house with your lovely quilt and cute little Santa. And the little quilt he's standing on is perfect. Plus your moms ceramic Christmas tree. It's fun to see what others do.

    After Thanksgving I was not in the mood to put up the tree and decor... With no family gathering this year, I was like 'bah ~ hum bug'. My sister sent me photos of the inside and outside of their home, this weekend. That did it ... I was putting up my tree shortly there after. It's worth a 'drive by' just to see her talent, for welcoming Christmas.


  13. Your Christmas quilt looks great on the back of that bench. Cute Santa - don't think I've ever seen one in redwhiteblue before.

  14. Oh, that logical "safe" place! Here's hoping your find that table runner (or remember who you gave it to.) Exactly opposite of a cowl that I knit a few years ago. I could have sworn that I gave it to my son's girlfriend... only to find it in the knitwear organizer last winter!!

  15. The pineapple blocks are so beautiful. I agree that the border fabric seems a bit dark. I know you will be able to find several candidates in your vast stash that may fit a bit better. Your Xmas quilt is so pretty and that Santa is cute!

  16. I love those blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing which fabric you choose.

  17. Those pineapple blocks are stunning, Wanda. Love the Christmas quilt too. I wonder if we EVER find that place where the goodies are stashed.

  18. The pineapple blocks are so nice. The colors are very soothing.


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