
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Blocks arranged.............

This is truer color than the photo yesterday.  I rearranged the blocks and although I thought I was done I might still move a couple.  I still want to try the insert strip between the center and the 2 outside rows on the long edges. 

It started out sunny yesterday and that always gives me more energy.  I went to the basement and cut battings for a few quilts.  I also ironed backing fabric and sewed the long seam.  It is ready to load on the longarm today

When my granddaughter picked up her husband's new Christmas stocking yesterday she brought me some gingerbread cookies that she made.  I'm pacing myself, one a day, and the first one was very good!


  1. Homemade cookies, yum! Tastes like Christmas! And nice to see the new generation keeping up those traditions. I've been making stockings, too! I needed to make two new stockings for the new babies this year. Plus I've been remaking/fixing some of the older ones - I have a set for the whole family here, as we usually all gather here on Christmas morning, not this year though. We're planning a zoom gift opening party. I'm also making two stockings for my daughter's house. I love that kind of project though, quick and easy, and scrappy! :) Merry Christmas, Wanda!

  2. that is the problem with cookies - limiting yourself to a certain amount daily!! The blue blocks all look so well the way you have them arranged.

  3. Your new block arrangement looks great!! It's so nice to get cookie gifts...they look yummy Stay safe --we are expecting a big snowstorm beginning tomorrow noon through Thursday. So, we went to the grocery this morning
    (early hrs) and stocked up so hopefully we won't be having to go back until after Christmas...
    Stay safe now and warm Hugs from afar Julierose

  4. Oh, I am officially only having one cookie a day too, but I am up to June due to eating ahead.


  5. Oh, love the arrangement and colors of the quilt. Trying to visualize what you said about the insert strip. My granddaughter is bugging me to make cookies today when she finishes her remote learning.

  6. I like to see what people bake but I've never been interested in baking - only the eating :)

  7. I really LOL at Ceci's comment today ! (*._.*)

    O.K. So now I'm looking forward to seeing those strips you might add in your 16 patch. I enjoy how you give us hints of what's to come... Or not.

    Sweet looking and I'm sure tasting cookies from your grand daughter.


  8. Beautiful! I just love the colors in this one.

  9. This photo is so much better! I love all the periwinkle blues in this. Now I really want to make one with a more focused color story. Thanks for all the inspiration and concise tutorial!

  10. You were busy! The blocks look great. Wrestling a roll of batting is not for wimps! LOL!! The cookies look so good. I have plenty of butter for shortbread cookies. I just have to get some made.

  11. Love the new arrangement - now it sparkles! The colors are fantastic! You have the most amazing way with color!!!!!


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