
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Still sorting..........

 I realize this photo is blurry but I got spooked by a noise outside one of my basement windows and didn't want to go back down there and take another photo.  I'll go out today and see if there is an animal stuck in a window well.....or footprints on the ground by my window.......

I see that I have enough light fabrics already cut for more blocks so I just need to cut the light center squares and all the rest is dark that I need.


  1. Hope your panic is sorted and nothing untoward to worry you any more.
    I like how your cutting board has places for all the sizes needed. Not a cheap one to buy I guess but well worth the money to cut all those different pieces in one pass. I'm still making masks - now onto Xmas fabrics! Have a happy sewing weekend :)

  2. I surely hope whatever made those sounds was nothing serious. Take care.

  3. Hope it was just leaves in a well... and nothing worse than that. That happens to me too. Recently I was home alone... and I took one of the dogs out (it was dark)... All the area dogs were barking and then mine focused on things outside the fence. Yep, that's all it took. We went back in!!! It was probably just one of the cats... but....

  4. I have had noises do that to me too - I think I have heard something on the porch which is in front of the bedroom and then a couple days later see stray dogs run across it or cat hairs on a cushion or the chairs - and know what I heard was the usual animals that do not belong to me!

  5. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back down. I've probably been watching too many paranormal shows lately! We used to have a cat that freaked out and hid when strangers came or even if the doorbell rang. It finally dawned on me that if he didn't go on guard at the late night noises, all was good. I hope whatever critter was in your window well got back out on it's own.

  6. Good morning, Wanda, I hope that this morning you found the answer for the disturbing noise and that it had to do with a four legged critter. Strange, but last evening when I opened the oven door to put in a casserole there was a loud crash in the same area. I looked high and low and no clues as to what was resettling. Are unseen things shifting as the world turns into winter placement? Who knows, but I now wait to see what you do with all of those wonderful pieces of fabric. I feel another magnificent quilt coming on!

  7. Random noises like that DO spook us - hope you find the source and that is nothing serious. Sunshine here today but windy - before the deep cold arrives in just a day or so.

  8. Now we are hoping for the rest of the story....we once had an empty plastic flower pot blow into a window well; it made a terrible noise and I kept forgetting to check during the day so there were several nights to panic.


  9. You got a lot of pieces cut! I hope your noise turns out to be nothing. I heard my downspout bang the other night. I got up to look outside and I think that the deer must have tripped over the long run I have to take the water away from the house because the security light had come on. The deer trip the light on all the time as the wander thru my backyard at night.

  10. Oh I wouldn't have gone back down either--too scarey!! Hope it was only maybe a little branch blown down there by the wind...
    Hope all is well -- hugs from afar Julierose

  11. Well, my basement windows are glass block. When I am on the longarm down there, I can't hear anything. Hope you get to finish the pieces.

  12. How scary…..I wouldn’t have slept a wink until I found out what made the sound….Brave girl!!


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