
Sunday, November 29, 2020

3 almost done blocks...............

I have finally made the decision that I'm not going to finish any project this month.  Instead I'm just going to work on what I want to.   I started 3 pineapple log cabin blocks last night.  They are just missing their light corners right now.  I don't know how many blocks I'm going to make because they will be set on point and I need to start the layout to calculate it.  This will be another throw quilt so it won't take a lot of blocks.  I have 10 leftovers and now 3 new ones (almost done).

I wasn't able to figure out what was making the noise by my basement window 2 nights ago but this might be the culprit.  It is a large cat that comes to drink out of my birdbath often.  He just finished drinking and was starting to walk away when I took this photo.


  1. Your Pineapple blocks are very pretty; nice and scrappy...
    Let's hope you can figure out what that noise was. It could have been that cat--they are very curious and will go into spots like that....
    Stay safe hugs from afar, Julierose

  2. Good for you, work on what you really want to. I should make a list of what I would really like to work on and pick one a week. There is so much quilt stuff in my head, makes it hard to focus. Trying to get the Christmas trees done for Christmas.

  3. Good morning Wanda. I think the cat is probably the culprit, because if they are wild, then they tend to fight, especially if it's a male, having a disagreement over a female. They chase each other, not looking where they are going, making all kinds of ruckus. We had problems like this is in our old house, and they made so much noise, it used to wake me up at night. Have a nice relaxing day, doing what you please.

  4. Yes, the cat seems a good candidate for your noise maker! Wonder if Animal Control would come set a trap for it?

  5. I reckon the cat has got wind of your quilts and needs to test them! Or supervise your sewing. Looks like a calico - could be a girl, but if it's a boy then he will be sterile. Either way it is a pretty cat, perhaps you have new neighbours somewhere.

    I like your new plan of action. Instead of mulling over what needs to be done, have a break, enjoy what you are currently playing with and the rest will all follow suit when you feel like it. I do like the pineapples. My first gift to my parents was one of those.

  6. Beautiful colours in your pineapple blocks, a favourite of mine but many, many years since I last made one.


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