
Monday, October 5, 2020

Almost done.............

 Yesterday I alternated between sewing the African colorwash together and cutting more 2.5" squares for future African colorwashes.  I have 4 seams to go.  I will probably try an animal print as a border for this one like the cheetah border on the last one.  I have tiger, giraffe, cheetah (in many colors) and zebra to try.

I didn't know if Asters are good flowers for bouquets but decided to try them.  So far they are staying nice.

I covered my tomato plants last night since we are supposed to have frost early this morning.  I have so many tomatoes ready to ripen and it is supposed to warm up this week after several days in the high 50s.


  1. What great colors in the asters, vase, tomatoes and the green out the window. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I hope your tomatoes finish well outside - the weatherman said northeast Arkansas might even get a little frost this morning they are further north than where I am so they might but we were at 46 - I have to start thinking about what plants come in the house this year

  3. Love those asters in the red glass pitcher...we finally are having a nice light rain today,,,the trees have that fluorescent look all wet and glowing against the gray skies...I love Autumn...;}}}
    hugs julierose

  4. The window arrangement is as pretty as the quilt. I hope you were able to save the tomatoes.

  5. What Linda and Julierose said about the photo... I guess I should really consider finishing relocating my asters soon!

  6. Those are some beautiful bright fabrics. I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.


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