
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Easy Sewing...........

 I was looking for something easy to sew last night. in already cut and laying on my sewing cabinet.  This is the third of the remaining solids with prints quilts that I'm working on. This Shoo Fly block finishes at 7.5" x 9.5".  I have 11 blocks already sewn in a box in the basement and I haven't figured out how many I need yet.  This will be another small throw quilt.  I haven't pressed these blocks yet but I should have to warm up.  It's 65 degrees inside my house (warming up from 61 in the morning) and was about the same outside yesterday after a morning of 44 degrees.  It is going to warm up this week so I didn't want to turn on the heat yet.

I spent over 2 hours pulling out the black raspberry dead canes and any live ones that will be in the way when the painter comes to paint the window trim.  I cut them up in small pieces and put them in a box that will be burned after they dry out.  The thorns are wicked.  I had to cut down many volunteer trees to get to a lot of it.  The branches on the back of a bush had to be cut too.  I have cleared in front of one picture window and a 3 section crank out window over my kitchen sink.  Today I'll clear out in front of the other 3 section crank out windows in the kitchen.  Maybe I'll wash the windows too.


  1. that is too cold for me - my heat would be on! I left some windows open last night and it was 68 in the morning in the house when I got up and I had to get my winter robe out to cuddly in LOL - I hate being cold as much as I hate being too warm

  2. WOW you have been busy with yard cleaning up--lucky me as my husband takes care of all that--he has been cutting and pulling invasive vines that have been attacking our lovely cedar trees...hard work--you must be exhausted!!
    Pretty Shoo Fly blocks the two in the middle look like they are backed by celebratory confetti ;)))..nice work
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Hey Gal, you sometimes make me feel very lazy! (But encouraged to get at it at the same time!) LOL

  4. That is a lot of yard work just to get the painting done! Maybe you will get even a better crop of blackberries next year since they are getting a good haircut this fall.

  5. Floating shoo flys! (Maybe they are water striders?)


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