
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Which layout is best?..............

Do you see dark fish swimming left and light fish swimming right?  I see some of them and in other places not so much.  I have 91 Hunter Star blocks sewn and had on my note I need 130 to make a quilt the size I wanted.  I decided to try them on point to see if I could finish a quilt with the number I have made.  Below is the previous layout from 2019 which needs the 39 more blocks.  As much as I liked it back then, I'm not as fond of it now.

I'm so excited to see a Monarch caterpillar munching away on the common Milkweed.

Here is a closeup of the pale pink Balloon Flowers with blue ones in the background.  There is a Red Penstemon stem of seed pods laying across the plant.

The Rose of Sharon have started to bloom and so far only a few Japanese Beetles around them.


  1. I can see the fish swimming both directions, but I do like the traditional Hunter Star layout better. The stars seem to pop more than the fish.

    I love the Rose of Sharon! The are such beautiful flowers!

  2. I see the fish on the outer edges but a bit wishy-washy in the middle. Couldn't you rearrange the older version? I'm sure you'll find a solution that suits you :)

  3. The Hunter's Star is both stunning and soothing. The fish swimming is very busy and sort of reminds me of a prism effect in sparkling water. A traditionalist would love the Hunter's Star. A youngster would like the fish swimming. I would think of which design I hadn't made yet and go with that one. Win , win with either layout.
    d.weeks (aka Momma Llama)

  4. My preference is the traditional setting.

  5. I like the fish layout but yes some of them are a little hard to see maybe if you just move a few of the dark color ones you will see them better.
    My rose of Sharon is being very stubborn and has one bud that is barely open other buds have not open yet - it is a fairly young plant so maybe that is why - last year was the first year to have blossoms and only a couple at that

  6. I didn't see the fish until you pointed them out. I like the abstract vertical trapezoids, but a REALLY like the traditional setting too.

  7. We have been plagued with the Japanese beetles this year. They have kept our roses from being full and beautiful, and even attacked the tomato plants!! Your gardens are lovely. I hate to say it, but the quilt would be exceptional with the additional 39 blocks for the hunter's star layout. Either that, or set you mind to a smaller quilt!

  8. I love the fish! Maybe you could find the perfect batik in your stash to add triangles at the edges that way you could turn these blocks into a quilt top and call it a day!

    That is wonderful you have a caterpillar! Hopefully more will follow.

  9. I see more dark fish swimming left; i like both layouts (no help there right?)
    But I think, if I had to choose, the traditional is really beautiful
    and would be my choice...
    Hugs from humid shoreline Julierose

  10. Your conundrum is the reason I try to finish a quilt while I am still in the I love you phase. I can do and be happy but if I stop I almost always don't love it enough to go back. I have a daughter who figured this out on my second quilt and tries to keep me straight.

  11. I have been picking off the Japanese beetles with a vengeance. They seem to be attacking almost exclusively the zinnia I planted from seed. I want those plants to last untill fall, so I keep picking and dumping those beetles in a container of soapy water.

  12. Good morning Wanda. I remember last year, when you made the blocks and had them on your design wall, how much I liked the quilt, and still do. It's so vibrant, with a definitive pattern, whereas the fish, not so much. Enjoy our cooler weather today.

  13. I can see fish swimming both directions but I still really like your original layout from 2019. I think the traditional hunter's star layout looks fantastic with a scrappy look!

  14. I like the fish best!!!!
    The fact that they visually come and go is what happens in a large body of water and makes it so much more interesting I think.
    Withe the way you work with color I bet you can find the perfect setting triangles for the sides.

  15. I was seeing arrows, until you wrote fish. I think this layout will require a lot more planning, as it seems really easy to loose the fishy-ness when adjacent blocks have same colors (the blocks with white on the left), or too similar colors in the same block (the very center block). But maybe fish appearing and disappearing is good? If anyone can carry this out, it's you!

    When I get my Hunter Star blocks done, I may give this a try before starting to assemble them.

  16. I like the second one. So colorful !!!

  17. Haven't read the comments yet, but love last year's version. The fish motif is fine as a motif, but as a pattern I prefer the lovely one from last year. Either is going to be marvelous so I look forward to your decision, Wanda.

  18. I can see the fish, but I like the star better.
    I've been looking for Monarch caterpillars, none so far this year. I love the balloon flowers, I've lost mine to something or other. We had lots of Japanese beetles and they loved my cone flower and cana lilies. Then my neighbor got bag traps and I don't have them anymore, they've gone next door. A win for me!

  19. I had SEVENTEEN monarch caterpillars on my plant the other day--ONE PLANT! There are still several there but 17 was a record for me!! WOOHOO, butterflies soon!

  20. I see the fish - but I like the stars better. A friend of mine said - " could play forever but you could also just sew them together and get on the next quilt." - LOL - ;))

  21. I had trouble seeing the fish. I like the traditional Hunter's Star layout best. Love your garden! I am also excited to see the Monarch caterpillar. I keep checking my milkweeds but so far I don't have any caterpillars.

  22. they do look like fish, but I think the on point layout is more interesting and more dynamic. The fish sort of come and go, they appear and disappear. It's interesting to look at. I don't feel the same about the traditional lay out.

  23. Since I am not a fishy-person, I prefer the traditional layout (sorry - I know that means making more blocks or making a smaller wallhanging instead of a full quilt).

  24. I really like the traditional layout much better. Sorry.

  25. OMG I just now saw that your 'fishes' is the same block as Hunter Star. OR am I seeing things ?

    Cute fabrics for your great grandson... Can't believe he is ready for school already.

    Churn Dash is one amazing designing project. You have no idea how much joy you give me just being able to see your work and progress... I haven't been leaving a comment as my iPad and Google are not communicating again. So if I remember to send you a comment when I sync up with my Fitbit at night I do so... But usually so tired at night.


  26. Love the fishies, they are just so interesting.

  27. I like the second one; I find the first one somewhat chaotic. Hopefully, whatever you choose is something YOU will love. :)

  28. I actually prefer the traditional layout. Sorry. I do see the fish, but to me that layout isn’t as pretty.
    You will, of course, do what rocks your boat, and it will be perfect!


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