
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Different kind of sewing.............

It was baking day again for the Amish Friendship Bread.  I put the remaining starter in the freezer so a couple months from now I can pull out a bag of it and thaw it and then bake again.  Then I made some masks for my great-grandson who will be in first grade this fall.  These are just in case they do in person school and that he might need them.

Here is my wild front garden.  I didn't plant the milkweed there but it started coming up about 5 years ago and I don't want to pull it out.  I did plant the balloon flowers and Red Penstemon and Hostas in there.  The black eyed Susan just moved to a new spot.  The orange Tiger lilies didn't get as tall this year.  This is the garden with the 2 invasive ground covers that I started to dig out last year.  I lost the battle.

These are plants I dug out of that front garden last year and they all survived the winter in pots.  I really need to transplant the Sedum and Hosta in larger pots.

The Swamp Milkweed moved to a different spot too.  Usually I will have 2 or 3 plants each year and I never know exactly where they will come up.

I love the orange Tiger Lilies.  This one was a small plant the last 2 years and this year is one of the tallest.  We got a little more rain yesterday so the plants are all happy.


  1. Neat container gardening you have happening; I also love those tiger lilies...very spectacular aren't they?
    Raining here this morning, so hoping for a couple more lilies to bloom...
    Hugs from afar julierose

  2. So many beautiful plants to look at today. I was given a balloon plant last week from a neighbour who was culling her garden; its quite big and I'm looking for a place to put it in my small garden. Your pink Swamp Milkweed looks very pretty, like little fluffy balls before they finally open - not seen that plant before. (I just googled & native to N.America). My 2 Lily plants didn't do so well this year - one had the buds eaten and the other only had 2 flowers. Of course my Fuchsia's are thriving, which is one reason I love them so much, flowering for weeks throughout the summer and late autumn. I've been busy sewing but catching up with your daily block show :)

  3. Lots of growing going on! I love the color of the front door. It is thundering and raining here right now, so I don't have to water today!

  4. I love the tiger lilies too - ours are gone now of course but every now and then I see one more bloom. It is so hot a lot of the flowers are fading in color - the Rose of Sharon is getting ready to bloom and is taller than previous years one of sister in laws gave me a rooted plant off of her plant about 4 years ago.
    More mask off in the mail from my house too - they come in cycles I need to make more and have them handier to hand out.

  5. Those are cute masks for the first grader. The front garden is so abundant with color and texture! Too bad about the ground coverings. One is creeping Charlie and the other is what? I know I battle the creeping Charlie all the time. It grows fast! I am having less of a problem this year with the wild strawberry. Crabgrass has been a big challenge for me this year to keep out of the flower beds.

  6. Lovely garden- a butterfly attraction? Oh those pesky invasive plants- how they thrive! Cute prints for the masks. Enjoy your summer.

  7. My hair stylist's son will be in first grade - she told me all about the regulations and guidelines the parents were given late last week (school starts in 3 weeks, assuming COVID numbers are lower than they are now - otherwise they'll all be virtual for a while). Your garden is FULL of colors and textures - so much fun to look at the photos!

  8. So love your garden...beautiful!

  9. Yummy bread. Cute face masks. Lovely wild garden! I have common milkweed in my garden. They come up all over the place too. They grow by rhizomes and by seeds. I am sure I will have to start digging them some of them out or nothing else will grow there.

  10. What wonderful gardens you have, Wanda!!

  11. Always love to see photos of your garden! I love the cottage garden look you get. The coloration of the petunias on the step is delightful! thanks for sharing...

  12. What can you do with swamp milkweed? Eat it?

  13. I have common milkweed growing in one of the front gardens and it is taking over, so I may have to do some judicious removal. I have seen monarchs flitting around, but I've never had a caterpillar. Saw the one you posted to IG. Keeping up with the weeds is always a challenge. Pat


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