
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Lazy day...........

Last night I was trying to figure out what I did all day.  I remember I did a load of laundry, went out to take garden photos, .................couldn't think of anything I did all afternoon.  I went out last early evening and pulled out a bunch of bind weed and Goldenrod, cut down volunteer trees.  I sewed the 4 blocks above while I tried to remember anything else I had done.  I think I must have spent a few hours on the computer which I think is equal to sitting in a chair and reading a book.  

The centers of the tall yellow flowers are changing the longer they bloom.  They will be mostly brown on a lot of them, some will just stay dark gold.

The orange Tiger Lilies are really late this year.  The bottom leaves are starting to dry up already because we haven't had much rain.  If you look closely you can see lots of buds but no orange showing yet.

This was the first Coneflower fully bloomed yesterday morning.  By the evening there were at least 6 blooms.  The pink looks pretty faded in full sunlight but they are usually lighter colored on dry years.

I liked the shadows of the buds on the leaves in this photo taken midday.

I will be mentioning my pop-up shop every day until it opens so newcomers and occasional readers will know about it.
The pop up shop will be July 7 - 12.  It will open for email subscribers at noon ET on July 7 and at noon ET on July 8 for the public.  It will close at midnight ET on July 12.  There is a form on my right sidebar to subscribe to the email list or use this link.  If you signed up previously you don't need to sign up again.


  1. my orange tiger lilies are blooming right now and a couple have already fallen apart so yours should be flowering soon I bet - they aren't real far behind. sometimes I sit too much at the computer reading blogs and researching patterns and reading news too much and find the day has flown by without doing much of all

  2. Hope you are feeling ok. The heat can do a number on you. This week is supposed to be all 90s, very rare for around here. Watering the flowers like crazy.

  3. You always have such busy days so a quiet one once in awhile is nice. Plants, like us, tend to wither in the heat!

  4. Some days just happen without a lot of measurable (trackable) progress but at the end, things are better than when we started. Your garden is gorgeous - and kudos to you for doing the work to make it look so good.

  5. Oh I am pleased to read that I'm not the only one who loses track of what has happened in my day! Tiger Lilies are beautiful and I'm wondering if they would grow in my garden her in Auckland, it's hot but humid in Summer, don't know if they would be happy with the humidity.

  6. Pretty blocks, Wanda! I can't tell you how many days I don't recall what I accomplish (or even what we had for dinner.) The neighbor's tiger lilies haven't bloomed here in NC yet, either. My daisies are beginning to bloom and the black eyed susans are full of buds. I think they will be in full flower by next week. LOVE those sunny yellow blooms!


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