
Saturday, July 4, 2020


13 years ago today I started writing this blog.  I had always done a lot of photography since age 10 so this was the perfect outlet for me being a visual person.  I always felt it was easier to convey a message with an illustration or photo so my posts have been photo heavy most of the time.  I am ever so grateful for all of you readers and especially for those who comment and have become friends from all over the world.
I made 6 more Churn Dash blocks yesterday.  As I listened to all of the fireworks being set off in neighborhood yards last night (they are illegal in IL) I'm wondering if this is my fireworks quilt.  I didn't turn on the iron, too hot, so they are unpressed blocks.

21 are done, I don't know how many more I will make.  I could see this one having a wide border (like a lot of antique Amish quilts had) of one of the large Philip Jacobs floral fabrics.  I'm thinking about making one block twice the size (18") out of the very largest florals.

I went out to take some close up shots of the Purple Coneflowers.  The buds are pretty neat at this point.

We have 90s predicted for a long spell but right now the humidity level is down a little so the heat index is same as the temperature.   BUT next week the humidity level is going up and it will be heat index in the 100s.  Hopefully we will get some rain in the next 10 days.

I will be mentioning my pop-up shop every day until it opens so newcomers and occasional readers will know about it.
The pop up shop will be July 7 - 12.  It will open for email subscribers at noon ET on July 7 and at noon ET on July 8 for the public.  It will close at midnight ET on July 12.  There is a form on my right sidebar to subscribe to the email list or use this link.  If you signed up previously you don't need to sign up again.


  1. Definitely a Fireworks quilt Wanda, I just love the riot of colour going on here and I can see bright blowsy border from Philip Jacobs keeping the fireworks contained!
    Luscious green in the corn flower.

  2. Happy Blogiversary, Wanda! I'm glad I discovered your blog. You constantly inspire me.

  3. When you said 'fireworks quilt' I thought YES - a Catherine Wheel - (one of those that is in a circle, nailed to a wooden post and spins round when lit) do you have them? I'm liking the Coneflower reveals - I must try to find some for my garden, next year. Well done keeping your blog active and interesting for the last 13 years - always the first one I look at in a morning :)

  4. Congratulations on your blog-versary!! ;))) Love the cone flower close ups...The churn Dashes are a burst of color...lovely.
    HAPPY 4TH OF JULY Julierose

  5. Congratulations on the blogiversary!!! I enjoy reading about what you are up to and the visual inspiration. I have a similar fascination with thistles. The architecture and color...

  6. Happy blogiversary, Wanda! I think "fireworks" is a good name for these blocks. Stay cool.

  7. Happy 13th Anniversary! Well, the quilt is a sparkler, but so are you! Beautiful blocks. The flower photos are refreshing. I started following you in Fall 2011 as I learned about you when I joined a guild that fall after retiring. I have enjoyed all your hard work and learned a ton.

  8. congratulations on your blog anniversary - I totally forgot mine - we started the same year and I started to follow yours shortly after you started. Sounds like the same heatwave will be hitting us too

  9. Happy Anniversary, Wanda. Thanks again for all you do to inspire us!

  10. Happy blogaversary, Wanda! The churn dash blocks are truly a riot of color--in the very best sense.

  11. Congratulations on keeping the blog going for 13 years, I know many of us hope for many more years. Fireworks have been legal to shoot off a few days every year (around New Years and July 4) in Iowa for 3(?) years now. After the first year many towns and a few counties made it illegal to shoot them off at all. Still people shoot them off, because there's little, more like no chance of being caught.

    I think Fireworks is a great name for this quilt.

  12. Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy your posts heavy with photos. Fireworks is a great name for this quilt, it is an explosion of color.

  13. Congrats on your blogiversary. I have read every one of your entries. I discovered your blog sometime during your first year. I have thoroughly enjoyed you and your blog. One of the many tips that you have shared that I love is the pinless sewing of curved seams. Brilliant. Hugs on this Fourth of July.

  14. Happy Blogiversary, Wanda... every morning I look for your posts; a great start to the day. And I love the "Fireworks" idea for the churn dashes, as they could light up anybody's sky! A beautiful riot of color. Happy Independence Day; you've made your own fireworks celebration!

  15. Happy 13th Anniversary, Wanda!!
    I don’t comment as often as others, but I enjoy reading your blog every day...I am always inspired by your projects and the way you use color that results in awesome finishes! I also enjoy seeing your garden photos!
    Thanks for sharing your quilting and gardening!
    Sandra B

  16. Congratulations on 13 years of blogging! Like many others I don't comment too often but yours is always among the first blogs I see and read each morning. Blessings to you and hopefully a quiet and leisurely 4th.

  17. Happy 13th and Happy 4th. I've often gone back to your older posts to follow a design progression, but haven't ever found the time to go back to the beginning and read them all. Your use of color is such an inspiration and I also thoroughly enjoy your garden and indoor plant photos. Thank you for all you do.

  18. How you play with color is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your garden and quilts, and I look forward to many more blogiversaries.
    Happy Independence Day.

  19. Happy blogiversary, Wanda!! Thanks for sharing your project progress here on the blog. I just celebrated 10 years of blogging a few days ago. Since it was a BIG one, I even offered a prize drawing. Blogging is SEW much fun! :o))

  20. Happy blogversary, Wanda! Love to see what you post every morning! Always interesting, and love your designs and use of color! Love your garden photos, also, and feel you live in a part of the country that has such extreme weather it is amazing you have such beautiful plants and blooms that survive the heat and storms you experience! I live in the Seattle area, a more moderate climate, and we just have slugs and snails to contend with, also rabbits that try to eat the lettuce, and birds that like the blueberries!

    Your churn dash blocks are really fun! Can't wait to see what you do with your yellow, black and white crazy piecing! Thanks for sharing all what you are doing! You are truly inspiring! Starr Yauch

  21. Happy blogversary. I always enjoy seeing all your work. The churn dash blocks are growing on me more and more as I see the new ones added to the group. It's giving me ideas. Not that I need any more ideas.

  22. I’m so glad you started your blog, that you’re still doing it, and that somewhere along that road I found you. It’s one of the highlights of my day every day. Even though I do not take the time to comment every day. Hope that’s OK! Often, I’m running a bit behind, as you have noticed, too! I get lots of email, too much! But I’m always afraid to miss something important, so I go through it carefully. And there’s always a lot of interesting things, including a lot of things I want to read, and that’s what slows me down.
    I love your churn dashes. I’ve still never made an entire quilt of churn dashes, though it’s been on my list for a while. Might be coming up soon. I have a feeling I’ll be starting a lot of new quilts in the near future!

  23. Happy blogiversary and happy Independence Day!

  24. Happy 13th Blogiversary! Here's hoping for at least 13 more - ;))

  25. We are the ones to celebrate, with so many thanks for all you have shared with us over the 13 years. And the bright blocks, they can join in too.Happy Anniversary.

  26. Happy anniversary, Wanda. I think I started around the same time as you did. It has been fun following you all these years. You inspire me immensely. I love the idea of a bigger block.

  27. Once again, I am eternally grateful that I found your blog. And I am even more grateful for your mentorship and long-distance friendship. My world is so much more colorful and wonderful because of you.

  28. I am grateful for your blog. A daily respite for me and always full of inspiration.

  29. Wow..happy bloggerversary! I started my blog around 2007 tooπŸ˜„ how time flies! Keep writing and inspiring us!! And the churn dash blocks are lovely. Take care & stay safe πŸ’™πŸ’™


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