
Friday, June 19, 2020

I found it...............

I knew where I had last seen the bag with the Mylar circle and some centers tried on a previous quilt but I didn't dig down far enough until yesterday and there it was.

What I didn't remember is that the circles had already been gathered and were ready to be appliqued.

I tried them on the wallhanging and they match well enough with the daisy colors.  This would be the easy way out to just use them.  The fabric is purple cotton woven one direction and gold metallic woven in the other direction.

Close up view.  No decision made yet.

I took this photo of the hydrangea bush by my front door at dusk last night.  This bush got completely ruined last year when they put my new roof on.  It came back just fine.  It is so nice and perky now, until the first heavy rain hits it and then it will be drooping down on all of the plants around it.

I'm so happy I went with this unusual color petunia for my porch pot.  I have never seen one like it before.

I saw the first Monarch caterpillar yesterday munching away on the milkweed.  I went back in the house to get my camera, got sidetracked, and by the time I remembered it the caterpillar was hidden away somewhere.  There are lots of leaves with big sections eaten away on several milkweeds so maybe there is more than one of them out there.


  1. Love those petunias, Wanda! I've never seen that variety, and they're just lovely.

  2. the circles look perfect and nice to have some already made up although if you decide a different color they aren't that hard to make. I love hydrangeas!

  3. Well this calls for an update to an earlier comment in which I claimed a lukewarm response to the quilt. The circles are a mighty unifying element, for sure. Almost a Fassett shot cotton, they add unification and dimension. I hope you resist the urge to do anything else to them!!! Thanks for another "lesson" in patience!!!!

  4. Those centers are the perfect finish to the quilt - it unifies the circles to the rest of the blocks, and really looks beautiful!

    Your hydrangea is gorgeous. I just planted two different varieties and it will be at least next year before I can enjoy a decent sized couple of bushes. Here in Northern California it gets HOT periodically through the summer (up to 100 or higher), and I have to be very careful where plants are placed.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Deb E / CA

  5. The prepared centers that you found with the template look perfect from here. Even better that you would be using up leftovers! However, since that would be the "easy" way out, I'm guessing there may be more to this story.

  6. How about that- circles found and made! I love the plants. I have tried to grow milkweed in my garden. I even bought seeds this year, but nothing comes up. I love unusual color annuals in pots.

  7. Love those circles! All ready made and they look fantastic in your quilt. Beautiful hydrangeas. But that petunia is spectacular! I don't think I have ever seen that variety.

  8. I like those circles, sort of gives your eyes a place to rest a second. The hydrangeas and petunias are so pretty!

  9. I'm glad you found your circle template. Next year I want to try planing some hydrangeas. My daughter has success with them so I know they can tolerate our climate.

  10. I'm probably the only one that would select a lighter fabric for the daisy centers... On my screen the centers look like dark holes. Gold does not show up like it does on the close up photo. I rarely criticize because I know I'm not the professional color specialist you are, and even after I mentioned this , I know you will select the perfect centers.

    My Hydrangeas are just beginning to start thinking about budding out. And my oh my those petunias are just gorgeous. Wish I had them in my pots.


  11. Those circles look great on there. I love that petunia. What an unusual color it is!

  12. Love your circles and oh my those petunias! So gorgeous


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