
Friday, June 5, 2020

Hot, hot, hot............

This year the black raspberries are right outside my kitchen window so I should be able to keep track of their ripening.

It was 91 degrees (and humid) again yesterday.  One more day of this heat and then we are supposed to have 2 slightly cooler nice lower humidity days.  I'll believe it when I feel it.
I have the black raspberries over vanilla ice cream so I'm looking forward to that.

This is my calm part of the day when I knit on one or more dishcloths.  I usually have at least 2 in progress at the same time so I have a choice what I can work on.

My 2 window A/C units are trying to keep my house cool.....I'm feeling pretty wiped out right now.


  1. Here the weather wasn't too bad yesterday, but as the day went on the humidity kept climbing. We got some nice rain so I didn't have to water the marigolds. By early afternoon the rain stopped and I was able to finish mowing the backyard. The black raspberries over ice cream sound delicious! I use to have a few plants in my backyard in the woods, but they seem to have disappeared. I like the black ones, but not red raspberries. Let's hope that cooler weather arrives. Take care, get some rest, and drink lots of water.

  2. I noticed your drawer cart. I have the single version, 10 drawers, and the deep version, 5 drawers. I was able to get fabric off my floor and organized into drawers and I like them.
    Stay cool and don't overdo it. It was 80 here yesterday, but comfortable.

  3. Oh humidity is the far ours hasn't gotten too bad...
    raining here today. Which is good, as it was getting really dry...
    I usually work on my embroidery early in the day to start off on a calm note...and also my eyes aren't so tired then...
    Hope your weekend is cooler and stay safe Julierose

  4. I love black raspberries! We used to have a whole row of them at our first house. Now I have an orphan that I am nursing along so we get a handful or two every year.
    I think today's weather includes a thunderstorm mid-day. Oh well.

  5. I have never seen black raspberries but can imagine how delicious they are with ice cream.

  6. Those blackberries sound delicious. I usually enjoy my quiet time with my knitting, but today I am too exhausted. I looked after my grandson so his mother could take care of school stuff.


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