
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Easy sewing.............

I had a hard time getting started doing anything yesterday.  We had some rain in the morning and then stronger storms in the late afternoon.  My rain gauge had 3/4" of rain in it.  

I was going through all of my cutaway strips strips yesterday.  They are the crooked portion I cut away on my batiks before I make the cuts for a project.  I decided to sew a few blocks.  They will go with the blocks in this post eventually.  I have 69 sewn right now and will make more off and on until I come up with a plan for them.


  1. The rain in the forecast here failed to happen yesterday and the chances are pretty much gone.

  2. the rain totally missed us that they weatherman said we would get off and on all week and now I need to water plants again today - the humidity is horrible and too sticky to sit outside much or do anything out there comfortably

  3. Improv quilts are one of my favorties. Those strips are going to make a beautiful quilt.

  4. I had a difficult time getting started on anything both today and yesterday. We didn't get the rain we were supposed to get. I'll have to water again. I love those improv blocks!

  5. Love those blocks - very creative to use up the wonky pieces, and I admire your ability to just 'go with it' and come up with an idea later! I envy you all that rain...right now in No. California all we have is unrelenting HEAT. The garden gets watered everyday or the plants would all be dead by now. It's supposed to drop to 79 tomorrow, and I'm crossing my fingers that happens. Can't work outside when its hot, and I have tons of gardening and fencing building to finish up.

  6. Great use of those skinny bits, Wanda!


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