
Monday, May 4, 2020

Sewing and yard work.......

I cut more strips of African fabric to go with the solid color strips that were already cut for the quilt I showed yesterday.  I sewed some of them last night and hope to finish today and get some more blocks up on the design wall.

I was out pulling out old stalks of weeds and flowers yesterday.  It was cloudy in the morning and when I walked by the Lungwort it was the most brilliant shade of blue.  The camera however refuses to capture it again.  It is strange because in my quilts the photos have a blue cast a lot of the time.
The Brunnera plants have multiplied and fill a large area this year.  A friend gave me 3 plants about 8 years ago and only one survived.  That one in turn has created all of these new ones.  I love perennials.

We had some beautiful warm days but now we are going into a cool spell for a week or more with a possibility of frost one morning on the weekend.  That means more sewing time for me since I won't plant anything outside yet.


  1. the cold front will get here also I think they said Thursday-Saturday? down to 42 - seeing as my tomato plants are in pots I'm thinking I might need to bring them inside so they don't stunt in growth they have little tomatoes on them already

  2. Here on the SE coastline, we don't really plant until the 31st as frost warnings are known to linger around here..
    You've got a lot of pairings done for the African piece--it will be so lively...
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the sun at last!! Julierose

  3. I always like seeing your African fabrics. You have such different ones than I have. You have a lot of ones with red which are so pretty!


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