
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

More jewel tone blocks.............

18 new blocks add to the stack of jewel tone 16 patch blocks.  There are 10 more to sew later today.

I know you think I sew on a pristine clean sewing cabinet.  Here is the real truth, a notebook with my lists of quilts awaiting quilting, blocks finished the last 2 days, a tub of yellow, black and white batiks for more crazy pieced blocks, 2 Kaffe books for research, a couple new masks and a pile of pieces for more of them, a few yards of elastic.  I can only dream of a totally clean surface.  It doesn't happen very often.

What gets me through this new normal that we are in?  Chocolate of course.

The pansies are doing well after all of the rain and now cooler weather.  It will be getting hot over the weekend so I will snug them up against the house so they will be in the shade earlier.  My porch faces east.


  1. Thanks for keeping it real LOL. Sometimes I look at my chaos and think how can I work in this mess. Ha ha but alas a creative mind sometimes just has to be a little messy. Love your blocks and well chocolate is a prerequisite isnt it?

  2. I find that after a big "clean up" I have trouble even going into my sewing room--never mind sewing--like i don't want to mess it up...
    just too neat...I guess there is such a thing hahaha not often in my space though...
    Pretty pansies....that chocolate looks delish
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the sun at last Julierose ~ ~ ~

  3. I think a slightly messy sewing area is just a fact for most of us. If it were too neat, we would never get anything made. Our time would be spent cleaning.

  4. I spent an hour this morning cleaning up my sewing space. Now I have more problems. I don't want to mess it up and I can't find anything. Mmmmm yummy chocolate....and jewel blocks and pansies.

  5. Not just chocolate - INTENSE chocolate. And salted too. My kinda coping mechanism.

  6. Love the pansies, and, the chocolate! Sometimes, I wish I could work neater, but I just need to have so much stuff out when working on a project, or two, or...

  7. Chocolate is one of my favorite survival tactics too! Thank you for sharing your work area with us. Stitch on....

  8. Those blocks just glow! I can't wait to see the quilt(s) that you make with all of your jewel toned blocks. I think your space looks pretty organized! I have a table beside my sewing machine it chuck all kinds of stuff some sewing related some not. Every once in a while I have to clean it off because it blocks the signal from the remote control for the TV.

  9. Oh, let me tell you, that kind of chocolate keeps a lot of us going! YUM Still love your blocks.

  10. My grandmother said..."Creative Minds are Rarely Tidy" Amen!

  11. Ohhhh - salted caramel chocolate (one of my favorites). YUM! Good to see your sewing surface - looks a lot like mine! LOL.

  12. Love those jewel-tone batiks! That will be a vibrant quilt!

    I'm glad to see you're a normal quilter! I always have "stuff" all over the place and in the way while I'm sewing.

    Love your pansies. I don't have any flowers for my back deck yet, sadly. My oriental poppy is just about to bloom though and my California poppies have exploded!

  13. That's a good supply of chocolate Wanda!! I tidied my large table a few days ago, I finally had my shelf placed above the table to hold all my containers, husband said he couldn't work with all the fabrics and other items strewn over the top! Love the colour of your pansies, they're always a favourite.


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