
Monday, May 18, 2020

Jewel tone 16 patch blocks..............

I may have overdone it a little Saturday digging holes and hands and knees planting.  I was pretty stiff and sore and took it easy yesterday.  My Fitbit said I fell asleep immediately and slept 6.5 hours before I woke up the first time.
I sliced all of the 16 block stratas and started sewing blocks.  First up was the turquoise, blue and purple group.  The green batch is laying on my sewing table for the next session.
This is the Hardy Geranium plant that got flattened last year by the hail pile that came off the corner of the roof.  It made a good recovery.  The flowers are pale lavender even though they look like white in the photo.  I had 2.25" of rain in my rain gauge yesterday.  Several days before I had 2.5" in it.  We had the 2 wettest Mays in the records in Chicago the last 2 years and we are on the path to another record wet May this year.  I hope we get some dry weather now for awhile.


  1. Those deep, dark pairings go so well with my thoughts lately during this pandemic. Hopeful, but still reeling from the thought of all those deaths worldwide...makes me think of the ending of a Robt. Frost poem--["..and miles to go before I sleep..."]..
    Your Hardy Geranium looks so healthy-- great that it recovered...
    ~ ~ ~ waving on a blue Monday Julierose~ ~ ~

  2. Beautiful pairings- very rich and full of moods. I also did gardening- Saturday in PA at my daughter's and yesterday mine and the neigbor's until it rained. Feeling achey this morning.

  3. I can get so sore from doing garden work, all those muscles that we do not use for every day sure get a work out from that


  5. The 16 patch blocks are beautiful! I am not as sore as I thought I would be today from all the yardwork I did yesterday, but I feel your pain! The geranium looks good! I am so glad it survived for you!

  6. Love your 16 patch blocks! I feel the same today after spending time in the garden yesterday. Your geranium looks great.

  7. Getting the garden in order will be very helpful this year. I am late starting mine. Still waiting on more planters. I enjoy seeing how we are all using up our scraps and stash.

  8. It is hard sometimes when we get into the mood to get things done - my knees constantly remind me I am no longer 40 (gosh, that was a while ago). We've gone to large pots in the big bed around our back yard - trees, perennials in the ground, annuals in large pots, and a few large logs and stones plus the bottle tree - year round height variations even when the colorful plants are dormant.


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