
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Finishing day.............

Since it was hot and humid I decided to work in the cool basement.  First I finished this 16 patch quilt top and pressed it and did the staystitching around the perimeter.  It is 56" x 71.5", all batik fabrics.

Then I chose a binding fabric for the one I just quilted and got the strips cut and sewn end to end.

I was on a roll so why not finish it too.  I think the binding fabric looks great with both the front and back.

I finished it about 10 p.m. but decided to wait until today to de-lint the design wall and hang it up for its photo shoot.

I'm always happy to see the Dianthus back each year.  Creeping Charlie is trying to take over so I need to get out there and do some weeding.


  1. You certainly got a lot or work down...I love the binding
    and the 16 patch batik is really pretty with the golden tones throughout...
    My back is playing up once again so no sewing for a bit...will be doing my junk journaling and embroidery as they are less stressful for the back aches...
    Stay safe

  2. I have that same fabric that you used for your binding! It makes q nice effect for the binding. Love the new quilt top!

  3. The 16 patch is just beautiful.

  4. Good job getting another quilt done! That binding did turn out great. The 16 patch top is so beautiful! I can imagine it just glows!

  5. Forgot to say I with you on the creeping Charlie! What a pain that stuff is!

  6. The batik quilt is very stunning. I love the colors and the way they play with each other. I am always amazed how a simple design can be worked into such a stunner. Hate the creeping Charlie. We find Weed and Feed takes care of it.

  7. Jewel is absolutely breathtaking! Congrats on you quilt finish (and I'll be looking forward to the reveal post.)

  8. Two beautiful finishes - your plan to have the sixteen patch glow certainly worked!!! I've always loved that black and white Soul Searching quilt - and with it finished, I love it even more.

  9. Great use of a cool basement. I love the black and white binding. Such pretty Dianthus!

  10. Your black and white fabric is perfect for that gorgeous quilt. I think this is one of my favorites of the quilts you've made.

  11. Oh Wanda ~ 16 patch is glorious ! So love the jewel tone sparkle of each and every block.

    Black and white binding is perfect... Your eye for selecting a print like that for a binding makes me smile. Will look forward to seeing entire piece on the wall tomorrow.


  12. Your binding is darling. Isn't it interesting to see how wild/large scale prints look cut up? Often quite different than we imagine. I think this one works so well because it is strictly two tones.

  13. You’re going in for a strong finish! What cool binding fabric! I would’ve never chosen that, but it looks great on one of my favotite quilts! So glad you decided to bring that one back to quilt, I can’t wait to see the finished photo shoot! And I love the 16-patch, too! Good for you!

  14. I'm scrolling through your blog today looking at all the 16-patch quilts you've made over the years. This one is so spectacular! I've been thinking I will need to make one out of batiks soon and this one makes me so happy! I don't have near the batik stash you do, but I'm going to dig in and see what I can come up with!



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