
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Another 16 patch...........

About 2 weeks ago I pulled 2.5" strips for another 16 patch quilt.  I have 5 drawers full of strips I have cut over the last 13 or so years.

In the last 10 days when I have had spare minutes and nothing in mind to sew I have been sewing pairs together.  I'm ready to sew the next seam to hold pairs together and then I can slice them into segments to make the blocks.  Link to my tutorial for the 16 patch blocks is on yesterday's post.
I'm back to my 6 masks a day and this is the batch from yesterday.  I gave away 12 on Saturday and 18 yesterday.  

Today is my childhood friend's 80th birthday.  She is 6 months older than me and we are a couple young farm girls.


  1. Wow you do have a ton of strips--great way to use them...loving the 16 patch quilts ~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose

  2. My strips are all organized, so I need to see if I have enough to attempt one. Your colors are just phenomenal.

  3. Happy 80th Birthday to your friend! Everybody knows farm girls are ageless.

  4. You are farm tough!! Or I should say. Farm strong !!!
    Love all these strips. I have also sorted and sewed fabric everyday!!!

  5. Wow! You have a lot of scraps! Thanks for the tutorial. I made two blocks last night. But I had to cut my strips first because I didn't have any in my stash.

  6. What gorgeous batik fabric strips! I got my machine light changed! Here is the secret - I put on a Playtex rubber glove, yes like the one I wear doing dishes, and I could get a grip on the bulb. It came right out and the new one went right in. All done in less than a minute! Crazy hun?

  7. You two will have a fun celebration. It seems like all I do these days is make masks, but those strips look much more fun!

  8. I'm a new reader, over from Karen's place at Quilts...etc. I am intrigued by your 16 patch quilts and the colors are wonderful.

  9. Your strips and masks are SEW beautiful, Wanda!

  10. "16 Patch round up" is spectacular to say the least ! Enjoyed seeing them all together.


  11. What a glorious group of strips for a sixteen patch quilt - wow. It's going to be beautiful.

  12. Hi Wanda, I just checked out your 16-patch tutorial but you didn't mention in it how long the strips need to be. Can you add that bit of info? :)


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