
Sunday, May 24, 2020

A little sewing, reading and weeding.........

We only got a couple very short rainy periods yesterday so I got out twice to pull or dig weeds.  I did start sewing the jewel tone 16 patch together but spent more time reading than sewing.  I'm at the end of a book and it is hard to put it down.
Another variety of hardy geranium is starting to bloom.  A few star flowers are in there too.

The white flowers start out with bright green grassy areas and when the grass starts to die down the flowers bloom.  As much of a spreading nuisance as it is I really enjoy the flowers.


  1. What book are you reading? Last week I read "Defending Jacob", a book that I was reluctant to read. I decided to give it 20 minutes and I got hooked.
    It has been made into a movie (on AppleTV) but as I usually prefer the book to the movie, I don't mind I don't have AppleTV.

  2. Looks like the blocks are coming nicely. I bought a lot of plants yesterday at my favorite nursery- a family that does a wonderful job of growing, serving, and this year- keeping clean and safe. Then I finished quilting the last of the 3 baby quilts. I just have to get them bound, washed and packed for the Hands2Help charity. Will try to get some planting done today.

  3. It's nice to hear that someone can get outside--cold again here today--but I see one lone iris that came out to check the weather here:))))
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the sunshine Julierose

  4. I thought we would have rain off and on all day yesterday and today but it looks like it will hold off until tonight and all coming week. the flowers and colorful blocks look great.

  5. We may be in line for some heavy rain here, but the forecasters keep pushing back the date it is expected. I'm not familiar with the plants you mentioned, but they certainly are pretty.

  6. Your blocks look great. But enjoy your book. Are those little white flowers called Bethlehem Star?

  7. Thank you for the garden pictures, now I know the plant that blooms so reliably each spring is a hardy geranium! Our gardens are in the same stage, with a few iris blooming now too. I love your quilts and plants, so maybe would enjoy the same books? Whatcha reading?

  8. After snow two weeks ago, we are now in the mid-80's, sunny and windy. They keep forecasting rain and it never appears. Don't know when I'll get my annuals in the ground. They would wilt in a minute in this heat.

  9. The saturated colors in this post are SO beautiful - what marvelous eye candy!


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