
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

16 patches all afternoon and evening..........

I have 34 more 16 patches sewn for the African and solids quilt.  I had decided to add one more row in both directions so I needed more than the 21 predicted in an earlier post.  Now they just need a final press and they will go to the design wall.
It was a rainy day yesterday so I took a photo of the pink and green backyard from the kitchen window looking south.

I made 6 more masks Monday.  The second from the right is made with denim from a pair of lightweight jeans.  I gave that one to my son.

And 6 more on Tuesday.  I want some on hand in case someone needs them.


  1. Lots of pretty color in all your pictures today! The rain does brighten the colors of the pink tree and the soft greens. It rained here all night, but we are suppose to see a bit of sunshine this afternoon. I sure hope so because I would like to get outside and do a bit of yardwork. The forecast is calling for rain Thursday and Friday too. I bet those masks you have on hand will not sit too long before they find a face that needs them!

  2. I'm looking forward to that design wall post, Wanda. I think this quilt is going to be amazing!!

  3. The pink and green shot looks so impressionistic--lovely and soft...
    We are gray here this morning too...
    You have a lot of 16 patches to be going on with now...
    they are so pretty....I tried making some (you inspired me) using my jelly rolls for fun last evening...then I added hst's to box them out--nice 13" blocks was the result.
    ~ ~ ~ stay safe ~ ~ ~ waving under clouds Julierose

  4. I only had one mask each for my husband and I as I gave the rest away so yesterday I made us each one more. We are barely going anywhere though so I just wash the one we wear as soon as we come home and have been ok, but now our state is opening up a little and thought we might need an extra even though I kind of doubt we will go much of any where anyhow I think it is too early to be opening things up, there is still too much of the virus out there I think.

  5. Love the blocks. The solids and prints make such attractive units.

  6. Can't wait to see your design wall! Such fantastic colors. I love your pink Redbud trees. Wish we could grow them here, but I think we are in a colder zone.

  7. The rainy day photo of your pink tree reminds me of your quilt that I have hanging in my studio - pinks and greens - beautiful!


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