
Saturday, March 21, 2020

One more block...................

I got a 4th block designed and sewn yesterday and then went back to playing with the sashing ideas.  This idea didn't have quite the effect I thought it would have.  A friend across the world gave me another idea to try so I'll work on that today.

Here is a closer view at the intersection of pieced sashing strips.  More play today......


  1. Hi Wanda! It will be fun to see how this one turns out. And how cool is it that a friend from around the world gets to weigh in on your project?!
    Hope you're doing ok Wanda, Stay safe!

  2. Good morning, Wanda
    Your blog takes on new meaning in this time of crisis. Because you started this blog years ago, it has become a part of so many of our daily routines, checking and writing to you. So now you are a part of our lives that can continue as we were before COVID19. Sharing ideas together about this magical quilt is an extra bonus. Thank you.

  3. For what it is worth, I think I liked the low volume scrappy sashing better when it didn't emphasize the corners/intersections. But I also know you will find the "just right" solution - have fun experimenting!

  4. I like the subtle "ghostly" appearance of the intersection!

  5. Great project to be working on .... On a Saturday. Will be anxiously waiting to see what your friend around the world suggested.


  6. Wanda, blocks look terrific. I know you will work out the sashing. Hope you are feeling well.


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