
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

More masks............

All of my sewing time yesterday was masks for the cancer patients, 10 here in child size.

I used some of my least favorite batik fabrics for the 16 adult size masks.  Now I need to get them ready to mail so someone can get them to the post office for me.
My daughter in law was my grocery angel yesterday.  I was out of all of the fresh veggies.

I haven't had a salad for several days so it really tasted good.


  1. wonderful that you have a daughter-in-law to go to the store for you...
    Oooh cauliflower--yum!! All they had in produce was celery when
    we did a run early on Monday (sr hrs.); got enough to last us for a while I hope.
    You made so many masks--good for you...nice work..hugs, Julierose

  2. This trying time is certainly helping us to appreciate simply pleasures!

  3. I am making more mask today - for family members in the medical field I need more supplies today so will go out and get fresh veggies too - not bad here still so will make sure to do good social distance at the store and only touch what is needed - get the mask in the mail tomorrow and stay home! only one case in my county right now hope it stays that way for this mostly farming state and county

  4. You were busy! That is a lot of masks for just a couple days work. The veggies look so good. I am not a salad eater, but yours does look very tasty.

  5. Terrific masks and what a pretty salad. Your DIL is definitely an angel.

  6. You have always had a giving heart, your masks will be so appreciated. This is a year we will never forget, our area is like the rest of the nation with school and business closures. This is a huge wake up call for so many. You have a very sweet daughter in law to shop and deliver your produce. We're salad people too and so far my husband who's doing our shopping for now said there was not a shortage of produce .


  7. great on the masks... I am so craving a salad too...Around here food goes sooo quickly as every one is growing...Oh, me too...only growing the wrong way!!

  8. Your salad looks delicious - it's amazing how quickly the fresh veggies and fruit disappear!

  9. Salads really look and taste delicious during the spring. What a wonderful DIL. My brother (and SIL) is taking such good care of my parents. I just can't thank him enough. I had wondered about using batiks for the masks. I'm not sure why I hesitated. Stay safe.

  10. I haven't made any masks!!! My elastic and fabric is still in boxes!!! It would take me several days to find both... in useful quantities. I would have bought some, but by then all the stores were ordered to close here!!! We have a big salad every single day and a fruit and veggie smoothie. The fresh food is a necessity! Stay well!!!

  11. I have been in mask mode too. Made 21 first day and 8 more yesterday
    Only have elastic stash as everyone is out of it. Gotta make hubs and I one.
    Rest going to a cousins wife who is a nurse practitioner and wants to extend life of her n95 masks.
    Weird times but glad I can help by sewing.yours are so pretty

  12. What is the size of your child's mask and, even more importantly, how a piece of elastic did you use? Our local county domestic violence shelter is begging for masks, so I'm about to start on some.
    Cheers, Linda


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